My word ... a cracker of a morning.

24th April 2020 (Friday)    06.00 .... After the ‘red sky at night, shepherd’s
Lovely morrrrrrning.
delight’ sunset we have a gorgeous morning;   hardly a breath of wind and almost a wall to wall blue sky already..... definitely a day for getting out and doing things once the temperature gets ups a bit.     I should get out on the bike later in the morning, but the main ‘plan’ is to get some paint on the outside of  ‘The Hutte’.

07.30      I had to take the car up for the paper (I needed milk) so went down to the beach when I got back:  I haven’t been to the beach for a while.   Everything is pretty much as it was .... apart from the actual beach which changes with every tide.   I chatted to a couple of dog walkers.... so that has set me up for the day.   Now I need breakfast before organising the painting job.    I’ll go out on the bike after ‘morning coffee’.

The Ivy Cottage Dandelions are looking good!

21.00    I have had  a really enjoyable day;  most of it painting one side of the Hutte.    It takes five coats to really do the job so it’s an ongoing project.    It was the perfect day for painting but is did turn colder when the wind went to the East and the haar started to come in.   Prior to the haar coming in it was 19c in Ivy garden.    I stopped painting tidied up everything, had a cuppa then went for a scuttle round the villages.   I like the villages with the population we have just now;  not overcrowded but plenty of people to talk to... and not a lot of traffic.   You notice the lack of traffic most going to and from the harbour.... it’s brilliant.   I could get used to this.    My biggest worry re the virus coming to out wee villages is via holiday lets in the summer season.   Will the letting agents do any checks?   I doubt it.    Having checked the Air B n B site it appears that they will be sending people on holiday to wherever as of 9th May.... when they expect the present travel restrictions to be lifted.   That will be when this boy goes into total lockdown.

The worst photograph imaginable regarding COVID-19  was in the Scotsman today
Haar coming in over Elie.
(and probably in a few other papers).   It was a photograph of “Armed veterans demonstrating in front of the State Capitol building demanding that businesses open and lives return to normal in Topeka, Kansas”.    What were the assault rifles about?   Were they going to shoot the virus?    Somebody should tell them that there's a serious side effect doing that!    It’s going to be a changed world by the time this is all over.

Tomorrow is going to be more or less a repeat of today for me:   assuming the  fog/haar clears away quickly in the morning I intend painting the Hutte.

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