Feeling bright eyed and bushy tailed ....

4th April 2020 (Saturday)    07.30 ....I had a wander around the harbour
Sunrise time - Elie harbour.
this morning (at sunrise time) and can say that all was quiet... and cauld on the hands (the lug flaps were doon on the hat so they, my lugs, were warm.   There’s a lot of cloud about so sunrise wasn’t a spectacular event but dawn is always welcome even when you can’t see the actual Sun .... I can understand why the Druid’s worshipped the Sun.   I mean... imagine “stood staunin’ around” in the cauld waiting for it to appear then up ‘she’ comes bringing light and warmth .... absolute magic!  Three geese flapped their way over, heading North, at the time;   I wonder if that would be taken as a significant sign by the Druids?    Now I'm well ready for food.

Links Road - Earlsferry.
09.30     Having done some ‘ousework I’m now in the mood to go out with the camera;  having said that it is a bit overcast and none too warm just now.   I’ll get the camera and stuff (tripod etc) organised, then have another cuppa before deciding where to go..... if I do ‘go’ just now.     There isn’t much on the tele at this time;  I watched ‘Peppa Pig’ at breakfast!    I suppose you could call that ‘light entertainment’.

23.30    This is late for me so you can guess that I’ve had an exciting and busy day.   The exciting bit was when I answered the front door and there was Brenda delivering two ‘arbour ‘ouse cheese scones;   absolutely delicious ... so were the scones.   Harbour House scones are out of this world and I was wonder just when we would be able to taste them again!   Thank you Brenda and Laura, you made this auld, self isolating ‘boy’ very happy!   I wonder just how long it will be before we, “The Troops”, can sit at our table in ‘arbour ‘ouse and have our morning coffee and chat
The 'toon' clock.
again.   I suppose once ‘herd immunity has run its course and the virus can find no one to infect we ‘aulder’ folks can then come out of isolation to ‘play’ once again.   I scoffed one of my scones this afternoon and kept the other one for morning coffee tomorrow at 10.00.    The busy bit of the day?    That was when I made the final batch of Cottage Pies.   I also cleaned the camera lenses then went up to the golf course to test them.    I am a contented bunny tonight.    And a tired one.

Tomorrow is going to be a bonnie day according to the weather forecaster .... and warm.   I should get out on the bike if the roads aren’t too busy.   Ferry Road was today for some strange reason.

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