Cracker of a morning ....

2nd January 2019 (Wednesday) .... 08.00    it’s all good this morning;  a
Peaceful  Elie Bay.
touch of early morning frost with ‘wall to wall’ bloo sky to follow.... and I’m feeling frisky.  I’ll have a daunder down to the beach to watch the sunrise (8.45) before breakfast .... and come up with a plan for the day.    We have seven hours and five minutes of sunshine between sunrise and sunset.... but it is not going to be very warm. 


20.00    What a gorgeous day, albeit cold, this has been;  and I have been a busy boy.    Jackie phoned (just after I got back from the beach) to say that she, and the girls, Hazel and Catriona, were travelling home to Auchnagatt today so we arranged to meet at Kinross Services.    I could have met them anywhere on their route, but I fancied seeing if the Kincraft building still existed.   It was built 20 years ago to provide spaces for different craft people to rent.    
Former 'Kincraft' building at Kinross Services.
Maggie and I (A & M Lawrie) were in the building for three years.   Prior to this building ‘Kincraft’ had rented space from the neighbouring Garden Centre (before Dobbie’s).   The Kincraft building is still there, but is beginning to look dilapidated;  sad when I think of the happy times we had there.    That said, although right next door to the Services, it was not a great place for sales.     Plenty feet going through but mostly attached to browsers.    I arrived at Kinross Services about 10 minutes before ‘The Troops’ and  have now been reunited with the last of my Christmas presents.   We had a cuppa in the Services before setting off to our destinations:  the ‘troops’ to Auchnagatt, me to Pettycur Harbour, via the M90:   so I have done some motorway driving today.

Perrycur Harbour.
On the way to Pettycur I stopped at the Aberdour viewpoint with the intention of getting a few photos of Edinburgh.   It was too misty to get photos of Edinburgh so I took a couple of the Forth Bridges and went on the Pettycur.
Pettycur Harbour is one of my favourite ‘old fashioned’ Fife places;  at one time it was the north terminal of a passenger ferry from Granton, but that ceased when a new pier was built at the neighbouring port of Burntisland to accommodate a new ‘roll on roll off’ ferry, to carry coal wagons.   Pettycur harbour was quiet today, but, as ever, I found plenty to look at. 
Earlsferry sunset.
From Pettycur I followed the Coastal route all the way to Sainsbury’s in Leven where I did a small shopping.   I did not buy any ‘Emergency Rations’.   The ‘ER’ tin is full!
The weather for tomorrow is forecast to be, more or less, a repeat of today’s, though not as cold.    I haven’t decided what I’m going to do tomorrow;  but I do know that I am tired tonight and will have an early night in bed with my book.

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