Brisk, sunny Sussex morning .....

24th January 2019 (Thursday) ..... 09.30    It’s a real ‘sunny Sussex’
Sunrise time from my bedroom window.
morning, with a hard frost, ... so a bonnie  crisp morning;   I might wander downtown once the frost lifts;  the pavements are dangerous for us ‘auld yins’.
 Theresa (the squirrel ... apparently there’s another Theresa) hasn’t been seen yet; perhaps  she is having a sleep in on this cold morning.   There are at least two squirrels.... a boy and a girl.    Unlike the ‘girl’ squirrel, the boy squirrel is shy and tends to stay in the background.    I must think of a name for him.
  17.00     I’ve had another restful day,  and I now feel that I have arrived in Sussex.    Travelling always knocks me for six.   The weather went all dull on us after lunch time, and was bitterly cold, so I never ventured out;  but I did sort out some more photographs for Colinsburgh... and other computer things.    The temperature is forecast to rise tomorrow so I should get out.... even if it’s only to ‘circle the block’, a distance of about 1 mile.  Tomorrow night we have  the “Blackboy’s” Burns Supper to look forward too;   it will be good meeting all the folk again.

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