Bucket update ....

10th January 2019 (Thursday) .... 08.30    “Thank You” Marcia for the
Elie this morning ... well .. the harbour!
following info: it is the ‘Bloo bin’ (landfill) tomorrow (11th) , not the ‘broon’ one as I thought;  the ‘broon bin’ doesn’t go out until the 25th.  I hardly ever use the ‘bloo’ bin but I’ll manage to fill it with rubbish and get it out.   The Fife Council bucket collection system has been changed;  actually I should have known because I  was caught out with the ‘broon’ bucket a week or two before Christmas. xx
Our weather? .... we have a grey start to the morning, though the clouds are forecast to give way to ‘sunny spells’.   I’m not fond of grey mornings.

12.30   I am sorry to hear that Jimmy Birrell has died.  It doesn’t seem that long ago that Jimmy, and his brother David did all the plumbing work on Balcarres Estate ... that would be in the 1950’s.  Hmmm.... that wisnae yesterday right enough.    Jimmy was the oldest Colinsburgh resident, though not the resident who had lived in Colinsburgh the longest;  that honour goes to Sheila (Joss, nee Munro) who was born in the village... er ... a few years ago.   The funeral announcement will in the Courier in the next day or so.

That hole in the clouds = a sunny spelll somewhere!

19.00    The ‘sunny spells’ were few, and far between;  in fact I can’t remember if we even had one.    I did see a ray of sunshine on Chapel Green,... and that was short lived.... and only about 10 metres in diameter.    Having said that it has been a bonnie sort of day, with an interesting sky, even if it was overcast: actually the sky was interesting because it was overcast.

I’ve had an active day.   First thing I went to Leven, he ‘plan’ was to take the car through the car wash but I decided to leave that until next week, and went to Sainsbury’s instead.    On the way back to Ivy,
Elie this afternoon - after the Drop in Cafe.
I went to the Pavilion to see if ‘the Troops’ were having morning coffee but there was no sign of anyone;  so I bumbled my way to the harbour.   I was at the harbour twice today because I went there after the ‘Drop in Cafe’.

The ‘Drop in Cafe’ was slow to begin but was soon buzzin’ like a wasps byke;  however there are no ‘secrets ‘ to report from hinterlands of the parish.    We have a little bit of a moon tonight; it’s rather romantic looking... probably because it means there’s another hole in the cloud layer.

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