We definitely don't have a Sunny Sussex morning ...

29th December 2017 (Friday) ....13.00      We woke up to a miserable, wet and windy morning;   but that has cleared away leaving us with ‘clouds and sunny
Elie yesterday... by Stew.... oops Top Secret roving reporter.
spells’, on a brisk wind.    John had to go to a shop in Eastbourne;  and, as this was the perfect morning for that kind of mission, I went for ‘the  run’.... and to get some wet look photos of Sussex from the car.  
The shops were busy .... I went to ‘Boots’ for cough mixture and toothpaste, when John was in a clothes shop .... I forget the name of it.     We came home via Eastbourne sea front, then into the Sussex countryside:  by this time the sky was clearing and ‘sunny spells’ were reasonably regular.

Last night I watched a film until 00.45 .... this is very late for me;  it was one of those kind that I had to see how it finished.   I wouldn’t have started watching it if I’d noticed when it finished!    That said ..... I did enjoy it.

18.00    We had a nice enough afternoon;  but I didn’t go out as this has been one of those ‘couple of degrees under’ days .... because of this cold.    Oh .... do you remember the debacle with Southern Trains when we were trying to get from London Bridge to Uckfield?     Well, because I was two hours late in arriving at my final destination .... Uckfield,.... I travelled all the way from Kirkcaldy to Uckfield free.   
The 'Lamb Inn'.
Southern Trains having to return the cost of the whole journey.    They would also have to reimburse many of the other passengers for the shorter journey from London Bridge to wherever.  Who says Southern Trains are useless?    Okay they are erratic, but free a lot of the time.   Actually it was frustrating at the time, and must be really frustrating for passengers who rely on ‘Southern’ to get them into, and out of, London for work.

We’re going ‘downtown’ for an ‘Indian’ tonight, so I’m going to have ‘50’ before getting myself organised.    I’m hoping to feel mair ‘in the mood’ when I smell the Chicken Korma.... right now I feel ‘sluggish’;  actually, I’m wondering what the
Sussex country road.
building, that is now the Indian Restaurant, was when originally built.

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