Coldest morning we've had in a long time .....

8th December 2017 (Friday) .... 09.30    Oh my word .......  although not quite as windy as it was yesterday, it is really cold;  the coldest I’ve felt it in a long
Sunrise from Chapel Green .... sheltering among the rocks!
time, down on the beach.    I walked to Chapel Green, and had a potter down in the shelter of the rocks to be out of the wind.   Apart from the temperature it’s a bonnie morning.    Must ‘go’ .... slight ‘flap on’, ‘JB' is driving up on Sunday and the ‘Emergency Rations’ tin is empty.    Not good... in this ‘Emergency Ration’ weather.

20.00     Wellllll .... this is the coldest spell of weather we’ve had in a long time: it was bitterly cold when I was down on the beach at sunset.     My original intention was to take the car to Woodhaven car park in the late afternoon, and walk round the East Links.... I am glad that I didn’t do that.... it is more exposed out
.... Earlsferry beach on the way home.
there, than on the beach!     The Ivy Cottages hatches were battened down by 16.00, and the heating turned up;   it, the heating, has been at 19 all day and is now at 22.   Yes ....  I am feeling comfortable.

It may have been cold all day, but I have been busy, mostly getting things done for Christmas.      I went to the PO in Anstruther in the morning, then stopped at Harbour House for coffee on the way home.... and a chat to Myra, Brenda, Jim and Geoff. 
The ‘Emergency Rations’ tin has been taken care of:   I went to Sainsbury’s and did an ‘emergency’ shopping immediately after lunch.    On the way to Leven I drove through a snow flurry....  most of the real snow has been in the northern parts of Scotland,  and the Midlands of England;   with traffic being disrupted etc.    Jackie and Iain couldn’t get to their work in Aberdeen, but can work from home;   and ... and this is the worst bit, Catriona didn’t get to Ellon Academy! 

Here, in our corner of Fife, we’re going to have low
Elie - late afternoon walkers.
temperatures for the next few days.

I met Nancy in Sainsbury’s and she was telling me that Douglas, her husband, is in bed with a bug that’s doing the rounds just now.      This is the time of year for “flu type bugs”.... I’m hoping this cold spell, which is to be with us for the next few days, might kill off the bugs.

The weather forecast for tomorrow is ‘sunny, breezy and cold’;   I think I’ll do a washing, and hope that it dries in the few frost free hours we should have.     I should manage a decent walk in the morning ....  it’s not supposed to be quite as windy as it has been recently.

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