Windmill Care Home, Anstruther, ....

7th October 2016 (Friday) .... 09.00    Wellll .... instead of  ‘bright and sunny’ this morning ..... we have ‘overcast and dull’, but it’s not cold, even though the
West Bay and Kincraig Cliffs, earlsferry.
wind is from the East.    It cannot rain;   I have a washing out!    The weather forecast does mention that we may get a few light showers later in the afternoon.    By that time my washing will be dry.
I went for a change of direction this morning .... doing the ‘Chapel Green and back home by the beach’ walk.    It was quiet, apart from a flock of  Oyster Catchers feeding along the shoreline.... though the ‘piping’ noise they make is relaxing.

This is going to be a baking day... I’m going to make Melting Moments, and an Eve’s pudding.     If I don’t use some of the apples on the tree soon, the Blackie will.... he’s already ‘claimed’ four.

Chapel remains on 'Chapel Green' Earlsferry.
21.00    The Melting Moments I baked are very easy to eat;   not good when I’m trying to make “Puku” skinny.    I didn’t get the Eve’s Pudding made... I went to the Windmill, with Jimmy, to visit Chris instead.    Chris, after a ‘dull’ start,  was in excellent form;    the “Chris and Jimmy Duo” got fired up singing historical songs, in the Windmill lounge ....and when we came away Chris was happily singing away to herself in bed.    I enjoyed seeing both Jimmy and Chris being so happy together... yes an enjoyable afternoon at the Windmill.    I also chatted to Wilma (a classmate from my Waid Academy days... early 1950’s) who was in a good mood with me;  today I was allowed to call her Willameenie” ..(Williamina) her ‘proper’ name..... normally “Williamina” is taboo.   It’s a strange ‘nae weelness is Alzheimer’s.    Everybody in the Windmill Lounge was happy this afternoon.... even Dot.

The weather turned wet and bleak after midday... I’d taken the washing into the Hutte
Elie Bay
to dry on a ‘clothes horse’ before it started, so nae harm done.    The weather is forecast to be cloudy at first then brighter, with showers, in the afternoon.    I might have give the sunrise a miss tomorrow morning;  a migraine has just kicked in so I’m going to take a couple o’ pills with the Ovaltine and have an early night... and a late start in the morning.

Photographs :  Top – Kincraig cliffs, Middle – this wall is the remains of the ‘Chapel’ of Chapel Green.     It was ‘repaired’, in the mid 1800’s and should not be as high, and ‘Victorian’ looking, as it now is.... Bottom – Elie Bay about sunrise time.

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