Gorgeous day .....

19th July 2016 (Tuesday) .... 09.30    We have a beautiful morning... sunny, and warm, a perfect morning for being ‘out and about’.    I was ‘up’ and down on the
Earlsferry beach at 06.30 this morning.
beach by 05.45, very closely followed by a “Dad” and his two – three year old son.    It’s the “early birds that get the worms” ... the three of  us had the ‘worms’ (beach) to ourselves, for all of 10 minutes then a lady, walking her dog, appeared from the Breakwater.     The beach was a busy place by 06.30!   

I went back up to Ivy to get the my bike, then did the ‘villages’, Elie Estate, then out to Shell Bay and home via the ‘eleeven trees’ road;   so called because there used to be eleven trees alongside it.

Michael and Janice are away to do the Chainwalk so I’m i/c at Ivy.    Jimmy has an appointment at St Andrews this afternoon, so driving him up there will be my ‘mission’.

22.30     This has been the best day we’ve had for a while, having been warm/hot/very hot and sunny from morning time until sunset;   we had 26c (in the shade) in Ivy garden.    I do believe ‘M’ will be enjoying our Scottish summer.    The big thunder clouds that were forecast , did fleetingly appear to the north of us, then vanished.     However the ‘yellow’ weather warning for Fife still stands ..... overnight into tomorrow morning.

The ‘troops’ aborted their Chainwalk ‘walk’ this morning;   there was too much loose
Kincraig cliffs
gravelly stuff for Janice to comfortably cope with;   however they did get past Chains No1 and No2.    Michael got loads of photos, some of which I shall plagiarize ... er use, with 
Michael's permission of course.   From the photos that I have seen they enjoyed themselves, even if they didn’t ‘do’ the Chainwalk.     Michael has done it many times... since he was seven.
Jimmy and I went to St Andrews Hospital as per Jimmy’s appointment;  and we got lucky... he was taken early.    Having some time to spare we went down to St Andrews Harbour where Jimmy met a fisherman friend.... while they blethered I took a few photos  around St Andrews harbour.    From the harbour we went to the East Sands Car Park which was ‘full’ so I had to do some maneuvering to extricate us from that situation.     East Sand has only one way in and out... like Elie Harbour, both of which have serious traffic problems at certain
Tomorrow we have Brenda’s ‘Main Commendation Service’ in Elie Church at 13.30.    Everyone in the villages, and much further afield, knew, Brenda... she was an especial lady.    I really got to know Brenda when I was helping to   record Fife churches for “Scottish Church Heritage Research”.    Brenda was always very helpful, and encouraging in all aspects of ‘kirk recording’;   and also in the main side of my ‘photography hobby’. .... local landscape pictures.     Brenda was a stalwart of the local Episcopal Church, or ‘the Tin Kirk’ as it is affectionately called, and she, and her husband Stuart, could always be seen at all the local Coffee Mornings, .... and the Drop in Cafe.   I shall miss Brenda greatly .... and my thoughts will be with Stuart, and the Family tomorrow.

Photographs : Top – 06.30 this morning, Middle – Kincraig cliffs, and, Bottom -  Janice enjoying our long hot Scottish summer.

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