Cloudy but dry ....

20th April 2024 (Saturday)     08.15 .... The sky is mostly overcast just now, but we might get a few

East end of 'The Terrace' - Elie.

sunny spells by morning coffee time (that's 11.00 for me).   There's a cool, light North Easterly breeze .... 'Blob' is acting like it's winter;   but i
t will be warmer when the sunny spells arrive.   It might be warm enough for me to venture up to Chapel Green in the bike.  

10.30    I've hung out a washing but I very much doubt if it will dry, because there isn't much of a breeze just now:  however the breeze might freshen.   In the meantime I'm going to have an early morning coffee before trying to move stuff around the garden.  

19.38   Although it has been mostly overcast, we had a few sunny spells in the middle of the day;  in fact the washing was almost dry when I brought it in a few minutes ago.   I'll do the ironing after this update.  I actually spent most of the day pottering about the garden.   The Blue bucket is nearly full;  I rarely put it out but have been clearing mathoms out of the wee shed.  I'd have made a braw Hobbit! 

'Grandad' and Henry.

 Drizzle and light rain is forecast for tomorrow so I doubt if I'll get anything done in the garden tomorrow.  That means I might go out somewhere;  unless I'm in writing mode.  Of course it all depends on what weather we get;  it
 could be sunny and warm tomorrow.... but it won't be!

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