21st April 2024 (Sunday)    08.00 .... The sky is overcast with light drizzle drifting in from the


North Sea;  the dampness is spoiling a peaceful morning.   The drizzle is forecast to turn into 'light rain'.... and the evening to end with a 'sunny spells'.   Nice enough morning;  pity about the dampness..... it means I won't be able to sort out the wee shed.   The 'plan is to visit Alice, do some shopping and catch up with Alice's news.   I'll do more tidying up to the shed in the evening.... and enjoy the sunny spells!

22.30    My word.... I have been a busy boy.  As per 'plan' I visited Alice and, after a morning cuppa at Alice's HQ, we went to Leven shopping (Sainsbury's).   I got everything I wanted... but no goodies!    I have put 'Puku' on a diet because I have to have both asthma and hypertension checked.   One of the appointments (asthma) can be done on the phone but the other will be 'face to face'.    I'll organise all that tomorrow.

As I mentioned above I've been busy.   After I got back from Alice's I put the kettle 'on', put the messages away... and made a cuppa.   I then fell sound asleep for nearly two hours.... and made a fresh cuppa which I drank.   By this time I was in the mood to sort out the wee shed  and that is what I did;   It's not absolutely empty but is near enough empty.    I found things that I never knew we had:  Maggie used the

Auld lum in Kinneuchar. (taken 2009)

wee shed as a 'store' for spare dishes etc.   I'll sort it all that out after the 'Team' have finished the patio.   Anyway the shed is now movable.   Which is more than can be said of me.   I am well shattered.  I've had my 'orlicks and will have a look at the News (on the computer) before going to bed.   

This is one of the few days that I never had the camera  in action.  I had it with me but I never used it.  I'll find a couple of photos from the Alberto Archive.;  I certainly have plenty to choose from. 

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