5th April 2024 (Thursday)     09.00 .... We have heavy rain with a moderate NE wind so not a

Shell Bay woods.

pleasant start to Thursday.   The ain is forecast to be with us, at varying intensities, for most of the day.   It's a 'stay in and stay warm day' for my.... a work on the computer day.  All the Fife Weather cams are showing a grey sky, but some show promising lighter shades o' grey:  the Upper Largo cams has Largo Law with a light covering of snow!   Being well stocked up wi' tea bags I'm a 'happy boy'.   The 'bucket cairt' (broon) has been.... I'll bring the bucket in, off the pavement, then have breakfast...... and another cuppa.   30gms of sultanas = one of  my ''five a day'" so I have them in my porridge;  it's like scoffing a  fruit cake mix.   Love my porridge.

Here is another go at the drive from Lundin Links to Elie Harbour without the adverts (hopefully.

21.00   I did a fair bit of research in the morning.... and sorted out a few older photographs to 'play' with.  I then decided to go to Leven and do the weekend shopping in the afternoon; and I'd visit Alice to have a cuppa.    It turned out that Alice had an appointment at the Health Centre later in the afternoon so I decided to stay and run her down to Leven on my way home.    In  the meantime Izzy appeared for afternoon Coffee .... we chatted until it was time go to the Health Centre.  I dropped Alice off  

 (Alice didn't know how long she would have to wait, and she had to pick up her new pills at the Chemist);  so I was back home about 17.00.   The rain was lashing down on the way home and I expected to get wet taking the messages in.  However the rain slackened off .... so I was happy.  It disnae take much to make me happy.

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