Wetter than yesterday ......... ....

15th November 2023 (Wednesday)     09.00....You'd think that wet meant that it isn't dry;  in

other words it's either wet or not wet.   Not in Scotland .... there's wet and there's varying degrees of 'dreich' wetness'.... which is much worse than wet.   Dreich is when the wetness isn't heavy rain, but sky is overcast and bleak looking, with a really heavy misty drizzle and everything dripping wet.  The urge to stay in bed was strong this morning. ... but I am vertical, my eyeballs both pointing in the same direction, and I'm about to have my second cuppa before breakfast!  Oh ... I nearly forgot;  we had a seriously dreich morning:  but already the sky is breaking up and should give us sunny spells by morrrrrrrrrning coffee time. Then again... it might not;  that's dreich.   I'm a happy me. 

12.00    I've been up to Elie and mad an appointment to have my haircut (09.15 tomorrow morning)... then  down Stenton Row to get a few 'today in Elie and Earlsferry' photographs.  The dreichness had moved away and we had light rain.   'His Nibs' (Heron) was finding plenty food in one of the pools.... and wasn't in the least bit bothered by the rain.   I didn't go to the harbour because I'd forgotten a lens cloth to wipe the camera lens with.

15.00    The weather relented and stonemasons have made remarkable progress;  the back garden is near enough finished and a start made on the (North) gable.  If the weather had been kind the cladding would have been finished.   I'll paint Ivy next Spring and sort out the garden: then it will all be bonnie again.  While they have been doing all this I have been shading in the drawing with occasional breaks to catch up with the News.... and had my after lunch siesta.

17.00   There's a change with the weather and I'm feeling frisky;  actually it feels like there could be frost tonight.  I'm feeling much better and even did a bit of pruning in the garden (only so that I could get a better photograph of the progress being made by the stone masons).  And, just to let you see that I am also 'working' I took a photo of my progress with the drawing.   There's a lot to do but;  progress, though slow, is steady and I'm happy with how it is coming along.   I'll get a better photo tomorrow.

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