Wet ....

14th November 2023 (Tuesday)     08.30 .... It is a damp morning.... in fact according to the

forecast it's going to be damp all day;  that said, there could be a lull before more rain comes in.... for the rest of the day.  At the moment the sky is showing promising signs... even though it's still raining.   I don't think much will come of it, so I'll have another cuppa before deciding what to do.  There's a Yellow flood warning for Fife therefor the usual places on the roads will be ..... flooded.

11.45    As forecast the rain is back 'on' and most of the time it's heavy.   I set off to visit Alice but gave up when I saw a 4 x 4 ploughing it's way through the water at Kinneuchar Station.  (I've never enjoyed driving in rain).   However, I'm feeling better today and think I'm over the effects of the 'jabs'.   I'm going to have morning coffee then get the pencils out;  it's definitely a drawing day.

15.30  The rain has been relentless... but is now less heavy than it has been.  I'd hoped to go for a 'leg stretcher' but methinks that is  unlikely this afternoon.   However I am happy with the way the drawing is progressing;  which is a change because I am my own worst critic.   I'm shading in with pencils now and the whole scene is starting to look 'alive'.   There's a long way to go..... but, having seen the longer range weather forecast there could be a lot of 'drawing day' weather coming our way.  

19.00   I have used the weather well today;  my drawing is coming on faster than I thought it would.  Mind you I would like a few spells of sunshine so that I can go out on the bike.  Tomorrow is going to be a bit 'iffy' with 'light rain' instead  of 'heavy'.   I must make an appointment with Lorraine to have my haircut;  it's beginning to feel uncomfortable again.

20.30    I've been watching 'Last of the Summer Wine'... now I'm going to make the chocolate, and browse the Channels to find something different to watch (from now until the News at Ten).... and do a sudoku at the same time.   
I'm hoping that tomorrow's weather isn't as dreich as today's;  and that Lorraine  is 'open' tomorrow.


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