Quiet morning ....

20th June 2023 (Tuesday)     08.00....  The Brighton folk had early call this

Busy sky over Elie.

morning;  a huge thunderstorm bumbled across the city at 06.30; when all that was happening at Brighton, I went down to Nana’s Seat to enjoy what is a peaceful morning;  however that is  forecast to change to ‘thundery showers with a gentle breeze’ by midday.....that should mean an interesting sky.

21.00   I’ve had a mix of work and play today;  emptying some ‘stuff’ out of the shed being the ‘work’ and going for a run on the bike being the ‘play’.    I didn’t go far, only up to Chapel Green then up to the seat at the 17th green.   I like the colour of the course just now;  it is early for it to be so brown but we have had very little real rain up till now.... after a dry Spring.

The bloke that’s going to repair my bike is coming tomorrow at 16.45; and I have lunch at Colinsburgh at 12.30.   Tomorrow is going to be a busy day because I will remove some more ‘stuff’ from the shed.   I have two bikes in there that I need to take to the container at Pittenweem but getting them into my car would be a problem;  the boot is not suitable for carrying bikes.   Old bikes go into the container at Pittenweem then get taken to Glenrothes to be revamped and given  to people who can’t afford to buy a bike.  Both bike are good quality; new tyres, inner tubes and a service and they will be good as ‘new’.

Looking SE from Chapel Green.

Tomorrow is the Summer Solstice, or the ‘longest Day’ (after tomorrow the nights start ‘drawing in’).   It is also the start of Astronomical Summer ... which ends on Saturday September 23rd....the Autumnal Equinox.   Sunrise is at 04.22 with the sun reaching its highest point in the sky at 15.37.....it’s aw doonhill tae winter efter ra morra.   Will I get up to see the sunrise?  I have done plenty of times but to be honest, where the sun rises this time of year, it’s never a spectacular sunrise.   Last year it was misty.   I’ll have a look out at 03.30 to see what the sky is like.   I imagine the ‘Bloo Tits Swimmers’ will be out; they area hardy group of ladies and never cease to amaze me. 

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