Cloudy .....

9th June 2023 (Friday)     08.45 .... The clouds is still with us, but there’s a more

broken look to it so we should see the sun by lunch time.   It’s a quiet morning; even the birds seem fed up of a grey sky!   I’ve been for the paper then up to Chapel Green.... the plan being to flatten the bike battery.    The battery went pfffffffffft just as I went onto Ferry Road at the Links Road junction (the phone box);   only 50 yards from the front gate.      I’m ready for breakfast now.

19.15    For some reason I went into ‘work’ mode today... as in ‘ousework’ mode.  As it was a perfect drying day I did a washing;  and then washed the bathroom, kitchen and lobby floors.   Doing the floors is my least favourite job around the house...but today was a good day for doing them.   I didn’t enjoy doing the floors; but was content, and happy, after they were done.   After that I went out to The Hutte and did a Soduko.... and fell asleep.

The bike battery is fully charged and ready for Balcarres....probably on Monday.   Tomorrow Alice is coming along and we’re going to ‘Bowhouse’ to have a browse;  on Sunday we should have some bonnie clouds as there’s a yellow warning for thunderstorms includes Fife.... making Monday the day for biking to Balcarres.

'Well Safe Guardian' in Largo Bay.

We’ve had a sunny day; and the cool onshore breeze;  but with the temperatures forecast for the UK tomorrow we’ll be glad of the onshore breeze: maybe not.  The sunshine without extreme heat would do me fine.  That said, I bought fresh sun cream the other day... so bring it on: if it’s too hot I’ll lash on the sun cream.... and fall asleep.

It’s a nice evening;  I night have a wander to the beach.... after I have a cuppa.   Having said that; today has been a ‘bad breathing’ day... so it depends on how cool the fresh onshore breeze is.

22.00   The forecasters have been forecasting hot weather for Sunny Sussex, but it isn’t hot here tonight;  the wind freshened and its cold.   I’m happy at the end of what has been a funny old day for me; I mean getting into ‘work’ mode on a play day.... that’s not me.   I’m looking forward meeting Alice off the bus tomorrow and going to ‘browse’ Bowhouse, having never been to a ‘Bowhouse’ weekend.

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