Cool Northerly breeze ....

17th September 2022 (Saturday)     08.30 .... it’s a lovely mornin’;  and....

....this one is for Honor!

the evocative sound of a skein o’ geese greeted me when I went out to open the gate...reminding me that it’s a lovely autumn morning.   There’s a lot o’ cloud about and a cool breeze from the not ‘iggzactly’ warm, though that should change once the sun breaks through.   I’ll wait until that happens before going out on the bike.   I might have a walk to the beach after breakfast....well wrapped up against the wind chill.

16.00    I didn’t go for a daunder... nor did I go out on the bike;  but I did loup into the car to go to the bakers to buy two scones and two Empire biscuits.   This diet I’m on is flexible!.... sometimes I’m on it ... sometimes not.   Today is a not day.   I have sorted out the ladder so that it is no longer in the way of getting to the ‘romantic corner’.   Accessing the romantic corner is a bit late now anyway;  the ‘romantic’ season is past if the weather is anything to go by. 

Bank Street - Elie
Watching the people file past the Queen’s coffin in Westminster Hall is good viewing for elderly people;  you can fall asleep for 20 minutes, then wake up and think you’ve only nodded off for a few seconds!    It’s relaxing.    Having said that some people have strolled along for 14+ hours so it’s not so relaxing for them;  but it must feel really satisfying.   All of the people interviewed while in ‘The Queue’ are glad they are doing it.   Orf to hack a couple of branches off a bush.

21.30   Oh dear.... I have had a laz ... er ‘ much needed rest day’, having been feeling sluggish all day.   The only ‘work’ I’ve done is clearing the way to the ‘RC’.... so that it’s ready for action when the Indian summer arrives.   In the meantime I’ve taken a couple o’ pills and will have an early night in bed.... in an effort to shake off what could be a cold.   (I’ll do a test tomorrow morning).   I don’t have a plan for tomorrow other than attend the minute’s silence at the harbour... assuming I don’t have a cold.   If I can’t go to the harbour I’ll have the ‘silent minute’ (20.00) at the front gate.  

An early night is called for it’s ‘chocolate time’;  and then to bed with my book.

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