Bright and breezy ....

27th September 2022 (Tuesday)     08.30 .... The holes in Ferry Road aren’t

Repaired sewage pipe.

the most exciting to look at....they attract a few admiring glances, but never a crowd.  Actually 'The Ferry' could raise a small crowd nowadays;  a few years ago we didn’t have enough people to make a queue.   The Ferry Road holes have been recorded for posterity.    Oh.... I nearly forgot;  it’s a bright and breezy morning with a cold breeze.... and there's a chance of light showers later.

16.30    I took a chance and hung out a washing this morning.... and took it in just as the first spots of a passing shower started.   Ironing is a warm job so I’ll do that in a wee while. 

The wind is taking a few degrees off the temperature, so I haven’t been out on the bike; however, as I tend to feel drowsy and fall asleep in the afternoon, I’m not bothering too much about not going out on the bike.   The wind is bound to moderate in the next few days. 


There has been a lack of activity with the Ferry Road roadworks today;  and the camera was on hand to record all the ‘action’.   The Clancy team did their bit of the job yesterday (sub contractors to Scottish Water), I’m wondering if we are waiting for Scottish Water to do the repair in the other hole....Clancy repaired the pipe in one of the (two) holes;  it’s now ready to be filled in and re-surfaced, by a different 'team'.   As things are, Ferry Road is still officially ‘closed’, but I have seen vehicles going up and down the road.   Not an exciting day on Ferry Road.

21.30    I’ve just been watching the programme about the two ferries being built for the Western Isles routes;  due to be completed by 2018 but, because of mismanagement, won’t be in service until 2023.   The programme reminded me of the new Rothes Colliery super pit, opened by HM The Queen in 1958.    A few years later I met and remember speaking to former miners on one of the building sites in Glenrothes, this would be in 1965, and they said “the miners told them (the ‘suits’) the area was prone to

underground flooding” but they still went ahead and built the super pit... the super pit was the reason for Glenrothes new town being built:  it was closed because it was ‘prone to flooding’ in 1963. 

I have ‘nae plan’ for tomorrow.... it all depends on how cold it is, and if there’s activity on Ferry Road.   It should be a bonnie day if the sunset is anything to go by.

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