Wet ....

24th August 2022 (Wednesday)      07.30 .... ‘Bleak’ -  is not a word I am fond

Mmmmm... not a good hair day.

of, but  it’s the word that best describes the weather this morning ....”unpleasantly wet” would be an apt description.   Having said that,  the rain is going to clear away to give us sunny spells in the afternoon.... and a lovely evening.   It could be a ‘romantic’ walk on the beach kind of evening:   At the moment it’s a braw mornin’ for dreamin.

10.30    Although still raining, it’s only light drizzle now; whereas earlier, Ferry Road looked like a river.   The rain is much needed.... but not by farmers bring in the harvest.  I have done some ‘ousework but it’s not a morning for that .... I’m looking forward to Alice and Izzy arriving;  we should manage a quick cuppa before going to the 19th for lunch.   The sky is beginning to look slightly more promising.... we will have sunny spells after lunch.

20.00    The weather eventually settled down and we ended the day with a romantic evening;  I ended up with a migraine.    Before that, Janice, Michael, Alice and I had a mouth watering lunch at the 19th ... that included  an ‘Elie Mess’.... a fruity variation of the Eton Mess.   It was an enjoyable hour and a half, with good food and good company.... and plenty chat.

Back at Ivy Alice and I had a mug of my coffee Finest coffee... and a blether.   Nae chocolate biscuits.   We chatted for an hour then I took Alice back home;  had an uneventful journey.... unless you count going along a One Way street an ‘event’.   That was in Lower Largo.   I now know the right way to go to Leven.... without doing the One Way street.

At Alice’s I had another cuppa, to calm the weary nerves.... then came home via the sign posted route.  I know the short way to Lundin Links or Upper Largo but decided to see ‘iggzactly’ how the  official ‘Diverted’ route got to Elie and Earlsferry ... in could be scenic.  It could be but isn’t .... only longer:  it’s by way of Ceres, Baldinnie  and Largo Ward.   It was just after Baldinnie that the migraine licked in.   All in all I have had a joyful day .... though slightly stressful at times.   I shall have an early night in bed so that I am bright eyed and bushy tailed for taking the ‘Troops’ to Kirkcaldy Station tomorrow morning.

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