Breezy ....

9th August 2022 (Tuesday)      06.30 .... There’s a lot of cloud around just now

but I can see blue patches coming over from the West;  ‘sunny intervals with a moderate breeze’ is forecast.    It should be bright and breezy later.... and warm:  but not as hot as it’s going to be in ‘Sunny Sussex’,... and most of England.   The hot weather is coming our way  with Janice and Michael on Thursday.

21.00   It might not have been as hot as in Sunny Sussex, but it has been hotter than I expected;  too hot for me going out in the afternoon.    I brought Alice along to check out the de-mancaving and it passed.   Still a bit of ooverin’ and dustin’ to do but ... welll... I have 46 hours to get that done.

The sign for the front gate is ready to be screwed onto the gate (I gave it a second coat of varnish half an hour ago);  I’ll do the fitting tomorrow afternoon.   It isn’t perfect but I’m surprised at how it looks, considering my hands are arthritic.  Actually, when I think about it, I might give the gate a coat of acrylic varnish before fixing the sign... it depends on how much time I think I have.   I’d like it to be done before Michael and Janice arrive on Thursday evening.   I’m picking them up from Kirkcaldy Station at 19.15.  Oh ....they have a bed to fall into.... I managed to get the downie into its cover at the second attempt.  I’m a happy boy.

20.30    We had a bonnie sky at sunset... and it’s still warm, after the hot afternoon.   Perfect weather for the holiday makers... and, going by the car registration letters we have holiday makers from all over the UK coming to the villages.   I’ll be glad to get the ‘ousework done and up to Chapel Green to talk to some of our visitors.    Alice, bless her, had to put up with me talking most of the afternoon;  we had a quiet afternoon catching up with old times.
If it hadn’t been so hot, we would have gone down to Nana’s Seat.

Tomorrow’s ‘plan’ is to finish orf the de-mancaving, and get back to my normal routine.   The other day I mentioned floo’ers ; do you know I think I might take a trip to Leven and get a bunch... it’s what Maggie would have done.   I shall contemplate that idea at breakfast.

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