Bonnie start to the day ....

25th August 2022 (Thursday)     06.45 .... Uckfield, where Michael and Janice

live in Sussex, had a big thunderstorm this morning, but it has moved Northeast to the London area by now:  meanwhile, we have a lovely, quiet  morning, the precursor to what is forecast to be a bonnie day.   Actually there’s a touch of Autumn in the early morning air... my favourite kind of morning.   Janice and Michael are ‘up and runnin’;  the plan is to set off in plenty of time for Kirkcaldy.   I think I’ll have another cuppa before breakfast.

12.00    Michael and Janice will be about Newcastle by now, having been safely despatched from Kirkcaldy at 09.47.    As planned we left Ivy Cottage early and arrived at Kirkcaldy with 25 minutes to spare;   I had the camera so got a few photos of ‘The Troops’ departing.... and a couple of trains.    Ivy Cottage is empty.... and awfie quiet.

16.30    The journey to and from Leven is a dawdle; it’s a longer dawdle on the way home right enough, but fairly interesting.   Yesterday I did the signed route (the route suitable for cars and HGVs), today I used a route from the Scoonie roundabout, suitable for cars but not HGVs...the scenic route, but the last thing you to meet, on a quiet 'back' road, is a Glendinning’s grain lorry.   What was the first thing I met?.... yep... a Glendinning’s grain lorry.    But the back road does go through farming country, and it is harvest time.... so I wasn’t that surprised.   The lorry driver went on to the grass on his side of the road and  we (four of us) did the same on our side and everything was good.  

22.30    Michael and Janice are safely home in Uckfield;  and I’m finding it lonely being alone again;  I’m missing the banter and action already.    However I’ve been busy, having done a washing today,  and planning to do another tomorrow.   I’ll set the machine going early, and get the washing out early, because there is a chance of precipitation in the afternoon.   And I must go out on the bike tomorrow;  and that too will be early morning.    It’s going to be  a busy morning.   Of course all that could change if the weather forecast changes.   Saturday is actually a slightly better forecast.

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