Cool on the beach ......

13th January 2022 (Thursday)    08.00 .... The south eastern sky is starting to

look interesting, so, (after another cuppa) I’ll have a wander to the beach.  There is a light breeze, but the air it isn’t cold... not as cold as you’d expect at this time of year.   It’s colder in sunny Sussex.

10.30   I’ve been for my sunrise time stroll on what has the look of being a beautiful Day.   There is a brisk breeze blowin’ down there so it is not warm, but it’s good to just enjoy the peaceful mood on such a morning.    I thought I’d been joined by a couple of dog walkers, but then saw that it was a couple of the ‘Blue Tits’ swimmers going in for their morning dip.   I wandered along the beach a bit waiting for the sun to appear above the Lammermuirs;  which it duly did.   It’s funny how we talk of the sun ‘rising’, as if it was it that was moving, when it is actually us that birls round to meet it.   I wonder if there is ‘life’ on other planets going round other stars?   I hope there is, because, unless human greed is brought under control, we seem hell bent on destroying our one.   Must go .... ‘slight flap’ on;  I’m thinking of taking a stroll up to Chapel Green now that the sun is up.

12.30    I did stroll up to Chapel Green but it was hard work walking into the wind;  and the wind is much colder than it was.   I came home by way of the bents, where I met a bloke, from ‘Coast and Countryside’, sorting out the path where the Ivy used to be.    That has been my exercise for today;  the sun has disappeared, so, after lunch I shall settle down to watch something on the tele. 

17.30    I had a short walk to the beach at sunset time.... and was rewarded with a beautiful, late afternoon ‘light’.   The sunset itself was bonnie but not brilliant: however, I met Barbara, out for her evening walk, and the sun just couldn’t compete.   The beach was fairly busy.

21.30    I’ve been watching Professor Alice Roberts on the tele.... ‘Dig for Britain’, an

archaeological programme from various sites around Britain:  and I didn’t fall asleep.  

Tomorrow’s weather looks like being a rerun of today’s .... light cloud with a moderate breeze, and the chance of sunny spells’.   I am not going to do the walk tomorrow, though I will go up to get a few photos of the group, and, once I know the route I might ‘ambush’ them somewhere along it.   It’s going to be breezy and cold. 

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