Bright eyed and bushy tailed ....

22nd January 2022 (Saturday)     07.30 .... everything is wet , even ‘Blob’

looks bedraggled....  we must have had a shower of rain;  it’s too wet to be melted rime.    I am ready for a daunder to the beach;  it’s cloudy (checked the weather cams) but showers aren’t mentioned in today’s forecast.   Another cuppa is called for, before venturing out.

11.30    I had an enjoyable morning on the beach;  we had a bonnie sunrise, and conversations aplenty.   Old style conversation is gradually returning, though I think older folk still have to be wary.   Having said that; I’m treating the toilet roll like a Tibetan Prayer Wheel again ....that is definitely a positive sign.   I’m starting to feel peckish.

19.00   This has been a lazy afternoon;  I fell asleep in the chair after lunch, and woke up to a cauld cuppa on the coffee table.   The first thing to do in that situation is switch on the kettle;  which is what I did.   After a fresh cuppa I sorted out some of this morning’s photos, then went for a run in the car.   I don’t think I have ever seen Elie and Earlsferry villages as busy as they were today;  the middle of January is usually quiet.   I saw 10 mobile homes up at Woodhaven Car Park.   It was a nice enough day, in fact brilliant for the time of year:  seeing the villages this busy in January suggests we could be in for a busy (and long) holiday season this year.

22.00    It’s really mild tonight (I’ve been out at the bucket);   almost feels  Spring like.   I’ve been watching the tele (and not falling asleep) having found an episode Midsomer Murders’ that I haven’t seen for a long time.   Although a ‘lazy’ day, it has been relaxing.... and enjoyable.    Tomorrow, being Sunday, will be another restful day;  I’ll ‘go to the kirk’

online ... with a mug o’ coffee and Milk Chocolate Digestive.   I got caught out last week and ended up in a ‘Room’  at the end of the Service... I’m not awfie guid in rooms;  usually I forget to ‘unmute’ the microphone.

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