Peaceful .....

16th January 2022 (Sunday)    09.30 .... I’ve had my morning stroll to the

beach;  it was relaxing just strolling along the water’s edge, wee wavelets flopping onto the sand and a Redshank giving me a round of Redshank guns for disturbing it.   Sunrise was never going to happen.... well not visibly anyway due to low cloud; but it will be a bonnie day once the sun rises above the cloudbank.  

12.00    I remembered to join the online kirk service... er.. slightly late because I forgot it began at 10.30.   This ‘going to the kirk’ ‘online, is actually a good way of doing it... for me.   I can bumble ‘in’ when I remember, don’t have to be ‘togged up’.... and can sing to my heart’s content because nobody can hear me.    Today I got caught out at the end, when I usually ‘Leave’ before joining a ‘room’;  today I ended up in Room 3, with microphone ‘muted’, and speaking to folk that couldn’t hear me.   I enjoyed it when I finally got organised.

The ‘plan’ is to go for a short walk later in the afternoon;  right now  ‘Puku’ is hungry, so I am off to organise lunch.

15.00     Lunch (sausages and mash) had an adverse effect on my activity;   I fell asleep in the chair.   I’m going to have a cuppa before going for a short daunder to ‘somewhere’.... not sure if it will be the beach or the Pony field.   If it’s too cold it will be another cuppa. 

17.30    Though cold, it wasn’t cold enough to have another cuppa;  so I went to the beach.... where I found a fair number of people enjoying the late afternoon sunshine.   There was a bonnie ‘light’ about so got a few photos to ‘play’ with this evening... if I don’t find something to watch on the tele.

20.30    An interesting vessel went up to Leith today .... the ‘Shinkai’.    She is listed as a Houseboat.... and is one cracker of a houseboat.    I must keep an eye out for her leaving Leith.

Tomorrow is going to be another bonnie day.... ‘bright and sunny with a light wind’.   

Jet trail in front of the Moon.

The Kinneuchar walk is at 10.00 tomorrow morning;  I’ll go up to Kinneuchar but whether I go for the walk depends on how cold it is.   Cold air and pollution are my asthma triggers.    I’ll manage to bumble along the Main Street.

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