Chilly wind ....

17th November 2021 (Wednesday)   10.00 .... We had another lovely sunrise

time sky this morning.... but, my word, there’s a noticeable drop in the temperature, with a frisky wind to add wind chill.... so it’s cold.   It’s definitely a ‘wrap up well’ day.

I’ve done the paper run (and got the paper), caught the sunrise sky from various favourite spots, met Irene at the ‘paper shop’.... and had breakfast.   I planned to up through Elie Estate but decided to leave that until later.   That said, the sky is clouding over so ‘later’ might be tomorrow.... maybe Sunday.    I see spots o' rain on the window so it's a computer/book/tele/maybe even some 'ousework) day.   I think it's only a passing shower.... not a spell of rain. 

19.30    We have had a nice enough day;  sunny with clouds masking the sun now and again, but bonnie.    It has been cold all day.... and breezy.    I saw Stewart at the harbour this morning and he told me that the estate road “wisnae bad” .... so I did the ‘estate run’ after lunch.    The road was a lot drier than I expected it to be... and covered in a carpet of leaves.   At the usual muddy places the leaves were soggy, but it was braw hearing the sound of the dry leaves crunching, when I biked through them.  

Myra phoned this afternoon, to tell me the sad, and shocking news, that a friend of ours, Mike (Wilson) has died.    Mike had been in hospital (Edinburgh) for the past few weeks with COVID.   My thoughts are with Mike’s wife Janet, and family at this sad time.   Although I hadn’t seen Mike for a few months, he  always had happy ‘comments’ to make about my photographs.    Social media, when used properly, is good for keeping in touch.   I shall miss Mike.... and his ‘comments’.  

I have had a pleasant day.... and got a fair amount of exercise.    The ‘plan’ for tomorrow

is to arrange an appointment to have my haircut, take the car through the car wash (it goes for its MOT on Monday)... and probably do a wee shopping in the ‘Cheap Shop’ when in Leven.   It is forecast to be warmer tomorrow.... up to 15C in places (out of the wind) so I hope to get out in the afternoon.    Right now it’s time to browse the tele Channels.

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