Beautiful morrrrrning .....

5th September 2021 (Sunday)   09.00 .... it’s a really quiet and slightly misty

morning ....and it’s warm in the sun:  our wee villages are looking bonnie, and we have a big beach,(the tide is full out) ready for folk ‘coming out to play’.     In fact we did have early morning swimmers ... on what is a nice morning for a ‘dook’.     I shall circle The Ferry after breakfast..... then charge up the bike battery.

20.00    We had an absolute cracker o’ a mornin’;  but the sky clouded over later in the afternoon, and we have spits and spot o’ rain just now.   But.... forget the spits and spots o’ rain;  my word I enjoyed ‘circling’ The Ferry after breakfast ... eventually circling all the way to the end of Elie Pier.   There was so much happening that just had to be photographed ; I finished up with 190 photographs.   It was that kind of morning.  

'Locked on' target.

The first ‘thing’ that caught my eye was a dog swimming out from the beach;  at first I thought he (‘he’ might have been a ‘she’ but we’ll stick with ‘he’) was after a ball, but it was not a ball:  he had spotted some immature Guillemots close inshore and was determined to get himself a ‘bird’ .... he was a Spaniel, and that’s what Spaniel’s do.   Of course as he got within 10 metres of a bird it dived, which was a puzzlement for him,.... then it surfaced, 30 metres further on.... so off he would go again.   This went on for 15 minutes or so.   When all this was going on, a Guillemot, chasing a small shoal of sand eels, appeared right at the end of the pier.   So that was well photographed.   By this time paddle boarders were beginning to ‘paddle’ around the bay, folk were swimming, dogs were playing;  it was all happening in front of me.   It was great seeing the beach, and the water, being so enjoyed; by humans, dogs and birds.   I must have spent nigh on an hour at the pier end; then I began to feel in need of a cuppa, so set off back to Ivy.   Yep.... I had a really enjoyable morning.   Most of the photographs have been sorted out.   Oh.... getting intae the vertical, ‘stood staunin up’ position on a paddle board isnae as easy as it looks;  one lassie fell in twice.  Yes ...I did get photographs.

We are to have ‘light showers overnight, but they are supposed to peter out by mid

Immature Guillemot chasing sand eels.

morning, leaving us with ‘light cloud and a moderate breeze’.   I won’t make any ‘play’ plans for tomorrow morning.... but should get out in the afternoon.   I’ve had a really enjoyable day today.... I’ll find some ‘work’ to do tomorrow morning.

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