Gorgeous morrrrrrrrrning .....

20th May 2021 (Thursday)    09.30 ....

Really peaceful this morrrrning.... but rain is forecast to move in over by mid- morning.
I am contemplating changing the  Hutte' format;    me writing about what I do is becoming boring, so I'm going to put up a few photographs, with a wee bit of writing instead.

The above 'plan' (to change The Hutte) has been cancelled.... so.....

20th May 2021 (Thursday)    09.30 .... It was stunningly bonnie down at the

harbour at 06.30  this morning, so much so that that I walked round it twice..... happily clicking about 120 times.   The freshening breeze soon got rid of the mirror like water.... and the temperature began to drop.   It was a magical morning.... but the forecast isn’t great for later today.

11.30    Well I did some ‘ousework.... including doing a small washing, which is hanging in front of a radiator;  it should dry when I turn up the central heating.   The weather was reasonably bright (not sunny)  so I went up to Barnett’s (the baker)  on the bike;   I meant to take a coffee mug with me, and get a coffee at ‘arbour ‘ouse but I forgot .... so had to make-do with one of my own coffee’s., when I got back to Ivy, by which time the sky was beginning to look threatening.

19.00    The rain eventually reached us about 13.00, since then I have been doing ‘ouswifely things, drinking numerous cuppas, and having an occasional glimpse at the tele to see if I could find anything I fancied watching.   I didn’t.... not until 16.00 when I thought I’d help Poirot solve a mystery.   As is normal with me I missed the end (fell sound asleep in the chair) of it;  so ... it may no longer be a mystery to Poirot, but it is to me.

20.30    I suppose I could claim to have had a busy and nearly successful day.    I say nearly successful because;   I remember Maggie used to was cushions now and again so I thought.... oh I’ll wash a couple of cushions.   What I forgot was that you only wash the skins, and air the insides.    Oh well ... I now have two cushions that need a decent drying day  .... or two...before they are dry again.    I had to spin them one at a time, and the washing machine refused to spin with one of them so it is drip drying into basin.... the other one is fine.    It’s a whole bundle of fun being ‘me’.

‘Plan’ for tomorrow?   Well the weather forecast isn’t brilliant for the beginning of the

day, windy and wet;  more or less for most of the daylight hours.    I’ll take the car when I go for the paper.

Changing the format of The Hutte was never going to work:  I’m too stuck in my way to change;  and the original idea of a ‘blog’ was Maggie’s.... she thought it would give me something to think about  when her ‘nae weelness’ was diagnosed.   So it stays as it was, and has been for nigh on 20 years. 


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