Fantastical morning ....

30th May 2021 (Sunday)    12.00 .... After a foggy (and warm) start to the

morning we are .... bathed in sunshine, with the haar drifting around on the water:  But let’s go back to the beginning:  I went for the paper in the car, ‘cos I thought the wheels could do with the exercise, then came back to Ivy had a cuppa and went to the harbour on the bike.... and was there for an hour and a half .... it was magical... the  light was changing all the time, so I went round three times; and loved every minute of it.   I got some decent photographs of ‘Archie’ (skiff) being launched.    It was one of those perfect mornings that I dream about;  oh .... I have a few photographs to ‘play’ with.

16.00   The Ivy garden thermometer was at 18C when I checked a few minutes ago, so it will be around 13C on the beach;  that said it is a bonnie afternoon, the only down being the onshore breeze.    

I tried (three times) to get onto the ‘live’ kirk service this morning but all I could get was a screen with “Janis’s I-pad” written across it;  I’ll see if it’s on  YouTube  in the evening.

I keep thinking that I’ve had a lazy day but I forget that my day begins at 05.00;  this means that I am well ready for a cat-nap in the afternoon.    I certainly was this afternoon;  but I a decent amount of exercise at the harbour.   I’m fine on the bike, there’s no pressure on the knee, but ‘walking’ is painful;  however, I am well pleased with this morning’s photographs;   they were well worth a bit of pain.

20.00     It has been warm in the garden, though every time I went to the front gate I could feel the cool air off the sea;  that said, it has been a bonnie day .... and according to the forecasters, we are to have more of the same tomorrow;   in fact it might be warmer.

I have ‘nae plan’ for tomorrow other than go for the paper, do the harbour (the tide suits me just now at this time of morning, then perhaps go up to Balcarres.   I must remember that the roads will be extra busy tomorrow, so the early morning ‘paper run’ might be the only time I am out on the bike.   I have loads to do at Ivy;   I did another batch of shredding paper today (Maggie’s office files) .... and there always the garden to a look

at.... and pull the odd weed.

I bought some fruit at the ‘paper shop’ this morning .... fruit is healthy....  I couldn’t resist the cherries, wrapped in cake... they looked good and taste good.  I’m thinking a cuppa with a piece of cak... fruit would be good.

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