Overcast and slightly warmer ....

14th February 2021 (Sunday)       08.30 .... “Happy Valentine’s Day” to

everybody;   I hope your day and ‘bubble’, is overflowing with love and happiness, in spite of the lockdown.   My ‘bubble’ is full of ‘me’ .... and I’m feeling ‘romantic’ .... so (((((hugs))))) and XXXXXX’s to all the girls on this lovely Planet of ours.

On first looking out this morning I thought this was ‘another gloomy day’ .... but there are bright bits in the sky, the weather forecast isn’t that bad (the wind is going to veer to the Southwest) and it isn’t frosty.    I’ll go for the paper after breakfast (‘cos I’m hungry) and to the harbour to check for discrepancies.

10.30    All is good at Elie and Earlsferry this morning;  I’ve been for the paper, checked the harbour and found out that it is not warm out.   I was only able to take six photos because I’d forgotten to empty the camera card.... so I’ll have to go for a walk, to the beach, in the middle of the day.   In the meantime it’s time for ‘a warm up mug o’ coffee’.

17.30   I eventually went to the beach later in the afternoon, by which time the wind had moderated and it wasn’t as cold as it had been in the morning.   Most of the afternoon had been spent helping Miss Marple;  and sleeping.   I enjoyed my walk on the beach, even though it was short:   the sky was moody and we had big rollers thumping’ onto the beach.   I managed to get a few photos to ‘play with this evening. 

19.30   With a bit of luck all the snow and ice will have gone by tomorrow morning;  I’m thinking ‘bike’, though I doubt if I’ll actually get out on it tomorrow.   The weather forecast isn’t bad... ‘light cloud with a gentle breeze from the SSW’;  but there be a lot of water lying around.  

The kirk service is back on YouTube again so I didn’t go onto ‘Zoom’.    On 'Zoom' I'd

have to brush my hair.    I can understand why ‘Zoom’ is used;  it give our Minister’s a visible congregation .... and a chance for elders to do a reading.    The online service is working well.   

No ‘plan’ for tomorrow morning.... other than go to the beach first thing, then to Elie for the paper after breakfast.   I’m now away to see if there’s anything worth watching on the tele.   

21.30      The very first ‘Endeavour’ (young Morse) was on so I ended up watching something on the tele.... and I didn’t fall asleep!   I suppose I’d best go and make the bedtime ‘orlicks, have a look at the ‘News’ ....mostly COVID-19 statistics .... hardly ever any mention of Brexit and Europe.   I wonder why?

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