The thaw has begun....

12th February 2012 (Friday)       09.30.... There’s a brisk wind this morning

so it’s colder; that said, it is a lovely morning for a walk.   I went to the beach for my sunrise time walk;  sunrise was never going to be visible due to low cloud.... but I enjoy being out at that time.   I am now ready to go for the paper (by car) and to check the ‘arbour.

Once upon a time the ‘good old days’ were 70 to 80 years ago’ .... now they are only a year ago.  

16.00    Well ... I went for the paper then checked out the harbour;  the harbour road is still icy, though it the thaw will help to clear it.   Mind you it’ supposed to be frosty tonight.... so it could be icy again.    Then again it was supposed to be frosty last night but that never happened.

A roofing company (Reid from Dunfermline) were at the granary fixing the storm damage.    I have worked on some really cold sites but I would not have wanted to be up there this morning.   The workmen (2) were working from a huge ‘cherry picker’, and were well wrapped up and safe enough.... and the view would have been tremendous.

After watching them and speaking to the third workman who was i/c at ground level, I bumbled along to the Ship Inn on the way back home.   I didn’t have my coffee with me;  it was bitterly cold, so I took a few photos then scampered back home and had morning coffee and a daud o’ Selkirk Bannock in comfort and cosiness.

20.30    If the forecasters have got it right (and they usually have) the temperature should start to rise on Sunday.    Though I have enjoyed taking ‘wintry sky photographs:   and we have had a load of those, I will be glad when this cold spell is over and there’s a more Spring like feel to the air.   I have a lot of ‘wintry sky’ photograph still to browse through and sort.

My daily ‘plans’ are ‘carved in stone’ just now;  luckily I/we live in such a bonnie place

that,  taking the camera out a real pleasure, with ever changing pictures all around us.   So I’ll be up and our early, for a walk on the beach.    It’s going to be bitterly cold tomorrow so it might be a short walk!  

 I scraped the path from the front door out to the street (that was yesterday);  today I went out and discovered that the pavement had been cleared all the way to the car.   I suddenly thought “I can’t remember doin’ that... no wonder I’m  tired nowadays!”    My neighbour, Chris, who had noticed my pathetic attempt at clearing the pavement at the car, had done the whole bit from the gate to car door!   ‘Thank You’ Chris... it is really appreciated.   Chris does the work... I do the tired bit! 

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