Excited boy ....


15th November 2020 (Sunday)     11.30 .... My word .... I did enjoy the

‘paper run’ this morning.     I had to take the car because of the threat of rain, but that same threat gave me plenty of bonnie clouds to enjoy:  and Sunday is Monica’s day to go for the paper!   I caught up with Monica’s and Alistair’s news then ‘jamp’ in the car and went to the harbour.    “15 clicks later I was back in Ivy Cottage.... via the harbour (all is well down there ... in fact all is well everywhere I went), The Toft, Kinneuchar, and finally the beach.    Yes I had an enjoyable morning.    Now I’m ready to work done on the bookshelves.   Actually I’m not .... i forgot to have breakfast:  oh well I’ll have an early lunch instead.   It’s exciting being ‘me’.

16.00     Janice sent me some photos of the River Uck (Uckfield) which has overflowed its normal course, and there’s water all over the flood plain.   The photos are of a road I have walked.... but I have never seen it like this.   The bottom of the town High Street normally
Janice and I walked this road!

floods when the river is high, but flood prevention barriers were installed after the last flooding:  having seen this about half a mile downriver I hope they worked!

20.00     I tidied up the CD part of the bookcase today.... we’ve got all kinds of music and today I ‘found’ my Buddy Holly CD.    That had to go ‘on’ .... and it took me straight back to Bordon Transit Camp (September 1958).    There was a small Cafe, just outside the main gate, where we had coffee tea (no alcohol) and play the juke box.... and Buddy

Holly was one of the big names at the time.    When I think of it, you didn’t need to put money in the juke box;   all you needed to do was haul the cover back far enough to get a knife blade in and press the connections.   They couldn’t have made much money off that one.

I have enjoyed watching The Masters, and it was different this year;  and what an an improvement without the crowds:  the drunken rabble,  usually in attendance at big golf tournaments in the USA, was missing.   The camera work was fantastic .... yes The Masters was most enjoyable.

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