Bonnie but cauld on the lugs ....


22nd November 2020 (Sunday)      10.00 .... my word we do have a cracker

of a mornin’, but there is a brisk breeze and it isn’t warm.   I went for the paper early.... and bought two papers;  The Observer (to read the news, articles and comments) , and the Sunday Post ‘cos I fancied havin’ a look at ‘Oor Wullie and The Broons’.  From the ‘paper shop’ I had my daily  visit to the harbour to catch the sunrise.   It wisnae a spectacular sunrise but it was bonnie    I had the harbour to myself.

When I got back to Ivy I thought I’d go to the beach to get a few early morning photos:   I was pleasantly surprised to find the ‘Blue Tit’s’ swimmers going in for their morning dip.... I counted 12 heads in the water.  I can’t say that it is  warm this morning  .... but I can say that “it is all good at the Centre of the Universe”.

Local swimmers going for their morning 'dook'.

21.30     ‘The Boy’ (that’s me) has had a productive and enjoyable day.    I spent a lot of time in the kitchen creating a wee stock of ‘ready meals’;   only got to go to Ardross for some ingredients and I’ll be stocked up for the festive season.   I also managed to do a fair amount on the computer, and take time out to visit the harbour late in the afternoon:  I can’t resist an interesting sky.   The harbour was busier in the afternoon;  in the morning I have it all to myself. 

I managed to start watching one of the old films on ‘81’;  it was just a short film but I fell asleep and missed the end of it.    Sometimes I have to watch a long film three times just to see the whole thing once.

Tomorrow looks like being another ‘nae bad’ day.... in the morning anyway:  There’s a

Late afternoon at the COTU.

chance of light rain moving in later in the afternoon....and it’s going to be cool in the brisk wind.

Nae plan for tomorrow;  I have a lot of things going on just now and do whichever I feel like doing.    I am considering making a start to Maggie’s china cabinet on Tuesday;  that’s a big job and one that I involves washing crystal etc:  I’m not keen on washing  delicate glasses.


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