Brisk breeze ....

 2nd November 2020 (Monday)    08.00 ....Our weather is going to be,

‘breezy with light showers’, so there should be some interesting clouds around today.    The weather forecast for ‘Sunny Sussex’ is the same.... and the brisk breeze is chilly so it isn’t warm out there.   I intend going for the paper later in the morning.... being in a, ‘slightly in the mood for work mode’ just now.  

18.30    At long last I think I might have managed to fixed the nails popping on the Hutte roof;   I bought a roll of fancy bitumen tape that sticks to felt like ‘gloo’, according to the instructions.    It wasn’t a bad leak,  but that it was there at all was annoying me.    I’ll screw a length of wood along the side (of the Hutte) that the wind is going in and under the felt and that should stop it totally.   I had planned to coat the tape with felt adhesive but ‘Blob’, (bless his feathery butt) follows me about, moochin’ digestive biscuit crumbs, so I can’t do the adhesive thing.    There’s nothing surer.... ‘Blob’ would be the first to test the stickiness of the adhesive!

By the time I’d done the work thing, and had lunch it was nigh on 14.00 so I went up to Balcarres (in the car), planning to moor up at the Deil’s Lodge and walk down the den, but I couldn’t do that as there was a big van already parked at the Deil’s Lodge.   I had a run through the estate, stopping by the woodland walk to take a few photos, then came home to Ivy and had a cuppa, before getting the bike out and going up to Chapel Green.   David (Myra’s son) was out walking Rosie so I caught up with all his news, then came home .... and had another cuppa.

21.00    I have three deliveries to contend with this week... one is by Royal Mail so I can

track it (it is on its way), one is the new fire, which Michael can track, so I’ll know when that is expected,  and the other is printer ink which I hope to be able to track, once it is sent out.   Oh welll I’ll have restful few days pottering around Ivy.

It might be damp first thing tomorrow morning, if so I’ll go for the paper later in the morning as any dampness there may be, is forecast to clear away by late morning.    

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