Wet .... but brightening up.

10th July 2019 (Wednesday) .... 08.00     We have rain.... and it looks like
Rain?    Its sun cream we need!

it’s going to be with us forever:   though it isn’t, because Carol says it should clear away for a while, before coming back as heavy, possibly thundery showers, in the afternoon;  as per Yellow warning.    We could get lucky and miss the showers!   We will not be bothered with dust.    My ‘plan’? ..... morning coffee and a chat, pick up the papers (2 on a Wednesday) then, with a bit of luck, bumble down to the beach when/if the rain does clear away.... which it looks like it could do soon as the sky is brightening up as I type.

09.00     Rain .... what rain?     I’ve had to unearth the sun cream to go the beach.    Actually I am just back from a stroll along the beach in blazin’ hot sunshine;  well that might just be a slight exaggeration , but the sun has broken through and we have bits
The  beach at the Centre of the Universe.
of bloo sky.... we’ll be worrying about a drought soon!    And there’s a coffee morning in the Kirk Hall;  it’s all ‘go’ this morning!

12.30      The Coffee Morning was enjoyable (I think Patricia, who reminded me that there was a CM this morning,  should adopt me);  and I bought some goodies to have with the numerous cuppas I’ll have over the afternoon.    We have a lovely sunny and warm start to the afternoon, but I have noticed clouds building towards the West of Fife.    With a bit of luck they’ll stay there.... near enough to admire and photograph, but far enough away for us to miss out on the naughty stuff.

18.00    In between messing about in the Hutte, and sorting out a pump for the bike I’ve been watching Stage 5 of ‘Le Tour’;  my word it has been tiring.    Tomorrow is going to be harder with mountains to climb as opposed to the foothills climbed today. 
Hazy lighthouse.
  I don’t sit and watch the race all the time, though the scenery, filmed from the helicopter, and described by the commentators does make it interesting viewing, .... as opposed to watching the race all the time.

We’ve had a nice day;  the heavy showers never came our way, and there’s no sign of any lightning strikes anywhere on the UK. ... so far today.   The yellow warning for tomorrow is still in place for the afternoon.    The morning could be a mix of sunshine and showers/light rain.   I might get out on the bike early.

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