24c in Ivy garden .... ....

15th July 2019 (Monday)     06.30 ....we have another lovely morning;  long
It's a lovely morning at The Centre of the Universe!
sunny spells with a light air so hardly any wind chill at all.   A good morning for getting out and about:   the beach will be busy today I imagine.    I’m having a cuppa before going round the villages, and I might go up to Balcarres in the afternoon, it depends on how hot it is.   It really is a ‘play day’!

09.30   I’ve been round the villages and it’s all good at the Centre of the Universe this morning.   Everything is where it should be... apart from a few clouds that occasionally obscure the sun;  but they’re only ‘fluffy balls of cotton wool clouds’, and they enhance a photograph, so are acceptable.    As Emily (my Granddaughter) once said to me.. nearly 30 years ago.....  “those are white clouds Granddad, and white clouds mean sunshine!”   She was two years old at the time!
One happy boy about to begin work for the day!
15.00    Oh dear .... this heat is too much for one elderly person.    It’s 24c in the garden, too hot to sit in The Hutte and do Soduko’s.   I’d like to say that I have done a lot of work this afternoon, ut I can’t .... ‘cos I haven’t.   Done a lot of work i.e.   Oh I found some stuff to wash and that is hanging on the line, and I pulled a weed;  but I have managed to avoid physical work.    I even took the car up to Elie when I went for coffee;  I needed to buy milk.  
Now I must mention Brenda’s hair, which she had done on Friday.    It is what I would call ‘flamboyant deep red’.... my word it suits her.    I have been in a state of exhilaration since coffee time.... my wee heart pitter pattering like a woodpecker’s heid on bonus.    No wonder I haven’t been able to do any work!    I need another cuppa.

20.30   What has been a gorgeous  day is ending with a lovely evening, so I went out
The Ferry beach this evening.
on the bike, up to Chapel green to ‘watch the world go by’.    It was very peaceful, with not much ‘going by’.    A few people wandered along the beach, and reached Chapel Green as I was leaving, and a few golfers were out, everyone enjoying the evening sunshine.   From Chapel Green I went to the ‘Pony Field’ then home.   Now I’m ready for a cuppa followed by an early night in bed with my book.

21.00    ‘Sea Cloud II’... a tall ship cruise vessel, is entering the Firth just now, making for Leith.    At the moment she is east of the May, but should be visible, albeit on the south side of the Firth, about 22.00.    I don’t know if her sails are set, because she is underway using her engine.

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