Out early on the bike ....

25th May 2019 (Saturday) ...... 06.30   When I went out on the bike at 04.30
Earlsferry - 04.35.
the air was warm:   by the time I got back to Ivy at 05.30  it was cauld..... but it is the time to be out on the bike.    Unsurprisingly I had the streets to myself as I scuttled up to Chapel Green, then to Elie, down to the harbour, and home via Elie Estate.     It was magic going through the estate as the birds were giving the dawn chorus laldie....  the thrushes and blackbirds being the loudest.    At the loch, the last wisps of an early morning mist, was rapidly clearing and Herbert seemed in a peaceful mood.... probably because no other swans were near him.   The pre-sunrise sky was colourful:  yes ...  all is good at the Centre of the Universe.    Now I am ready for breakfast.

Elie harbour just before sunrise.
15.00     I got the best of the day when I was out.... and I doubt if I’ll need to get up early tomorrow morning.    Light rain moved over about 12.30.... and looks like being with us for a we while yet; perhaps until tomorrow at midday.     I have plenty of things to occupy me.... including an ironing, that I’m going to do after this update.    I also have most of the photographs I took this morning to sort out;   that will keep me busy after the ironing.  

 19.30     We have a dreich evening with steady light rain;  thankfully it isn’t windy.    Not perfect holiday weekend weather.... or biking weather.     The ironing has been done, photographs browsed, and numerous cups of tea drunk.    This has been a restful day.... albeit a fairly long one.    I am so glad that I went out first thing.

The ‘News’ has been all about the candidates for the job that PM Theresa May  was
Kinneuchar loch.
nudged out of.     So far five people have put their names ‘in the hat’;  none of which stand out as ‘a Leader’.    I didn’t intend watching the ‘News’ but I did want to see the weather forecast for tomorrow, and that comes on just before the News.    Oh .... apparently Celtic FC have won some kind of ‘treble’, three time in succession:  that says a lot about the other teams in Scottish football.
Plan for tomorrow?    This wet weather is forecast to continue through the night and into tomorrow so I shall have a ‘lie in’;  then work on the computer when I do eventually extricate myself from my ‘Royal Burrow’.

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