Fresh morning ....

17th May 2019 (Friday)     08.30 .... although there’s slightly more cloud
Anstruther from the Golf Club.
about this morning, we have a promising start to the day, and the forecast is good;    a good day for being out.    I actually began my day by sleeping in;  now I’m ready to rock n’ roll.    I’ll get the (Maggie’s ... the e-bike has yet to arrive) bike  out in the afternoon and go up to the Estate.  

20.00    Oh my word ..... I have been for lunch, at Anstruther Golf Club, with Calumn, Eleanor, Sandy and Maisie(?), Sandy and Eleanor’s granddaughter.   I also met Frazer, and Calum’s retriever pup Storm.   It was great catching up with all their ‘news’;   and there was much to catch up with.     Frazer is a young man now;  when I last saw him he would be about 12.   Eleanor and Sandy look really well;   their breaks in Portugal do them good.    Calumn hasn’t changed a bit, but then it isn’t that long since I saw him.    We
had a really substantial ‘lite lunch’ at the ‘Club’... in fact I brought half of mine home as a ‘doggie bag’ for dinner.    The brilliant new is:   the ‘Craw’ is alive and well .... he’s where he belongs, ‘living in Anstruther, with Eleanor and Sandy, who have resurrected ‘him’ as “The Craw’s Nest Trust” (Regd. Charity No SCO 38696) logo!

I didn’t do very much in the morning;  but I did go for ‘morning coffee’ in Harbour House.    Laura suggested that I might be a good ‘plan’ to try a change of image as I was going out for lunch....  so I smartened myself up.    My natural/normal look is sort of .... clean, but unkempt I suppose.   Anyway I did enjoy lunch (and dinner) and
Sandy with Maisie(?).
catching up with all the ‘news’.
We have a change with the weather tomorrow.... an east wind with light rain off the North Sea.   Not promising, but it might brighten up later.   I’ll work on the computer if the weather is gloomy.
Oh .... the e-bike (I’ll need to come up with a name for ‘her’) has been despatched from the warehouse, but I don’t have an actual date for delivery but I imagine it will be early next week.   Not Tuesday... please don’t make it Tuesday ....  that’s the day the car goes to the garage in to get bits fixed.

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