Elie (and Earlsferry) Scarecrow Festival ....

3rd May 2019 (Friday) .... 08.30     The sky is mostly overcast and it is colder, but it isn’t raining.   We should have sunny spells later, but it will be cold in the
Scarecrow No 28  - Joseph the Amazing scarecrow.
brisk NW breeze.   A wrap up kind of day methinks.

This is the first day of the Elie (and Earlsferry) Scarecrow Festival;  with over 40 scarecrows at various locations  around both villages.   Finding and ticking them off on the map is a good way to enjoy Elie and Earlsferry.   Maps can be bought at the ‘paper shop’ (sometimes known as Elie Newsagents), and other shops on Elie High Street.) and cost £2,... this is a donation to the local Elie Fayre Day group.   Carol’s Ice Cream shop has a free prize draw to win five ice cream cones (20 winners).... tickets available at the shop.    The winners of the scarecrows competition (the ones that got the most ‘votes’ over the weekend), and the 20(x5 cones) ice cream winners will be announced (or drawn) on Monday 6th May on the Toll Green.   The ‘Toll Green’ is the green bit, with noisy rooks in the trees, and a tall, white, pole with the local flag a- flying.    You cannae miss it!    Enjoy our wee villages:  oh .... I especially cleaned Ivy windows for this busy weekend!

"What a Muppet".
12.00   It is cold out today, and some of the clouds are heavy enough to give us a few spots of rain now and again.   The scarecrows are mostly ‘in place’, and there are already some visitors bumbling around ticking them off.   I’ve had morning coffee, bought a paper, and taken a few photographs.    The ‘plan’ is to get the bike out over the weekend and ‘do’ the scarecrows.

23.30    I have just spent one of the most enjoyable evenings I’ve had in a long time:   taking photographs of the Colinsburgh WRI Centenary celebrations at Monturpie.    To be in the company of so many lovely girls, in the friendly atmosphere of Monturpie, was a dream come true.   I’ve had a glance through the photographs and I’m sure there will be some good ones in there.    The subjects were pretty.... all I had to do was press the button.   The meal was excellent, and I chatted happily with my neighbours, Honor (Champion), Ella and May.... and the other girls within chatting distance whose names I didn’t get.   Yes it was a really enjoyable evening;  “Thank You” Colinsburgh WRI girls for asking me to photograph
'The Colinsburgh Girls'.
the occasion.

This is a late night for me;  but I could have a lie in tomorrow... though I probably won’t.   The weather forecast is good;  sunny spells with a cold wind from the NW.

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