Transocean Prospect ....

19th September 2017 (Tuesday) .... Transocean Prospect is in the English Channel, off Brighton and Worthing;  the normal towing speed appears to be 4.4 knots (5mph).   The 7 knots that I saw yesterday must have been either, an anomaly,
Leven High Street.
or one of the tugs manoeuvring.
  Each tug has its individual transponder... the platform indicates position only, ... no speed.   They are now through the most congested bit of the Channel, and in the south bound shipping lane.   Jings, this is interesting stuff!   

We have a beautiful morning, wall to wall blue sky, with hardly any wind, but definitely the coldest morning so far this autumn.   I am going to Leven to do a shopping;   with the car going in on Thursday I’m thinking I may not get her back until Friday... if then.  

  20.30     It may have been chilly in the early part of the morning, but we’ve had a lovely day;  and a light wind got up, and dried the washing I hung out first thing.    
I did go to Leven to do the shopping... and got a haircut.   Oh my word.... I was ashamed of the amount of hair lying on the floor when it was all over.    I was in much need of a haircut.    Now that my lugs are exposed ... they’re feeling the cauld! 

A 'Flat White'.
There’s a braw clear sky this evening, but the weather forecast for tomorrow is not great ... cloudy with rain later:  we hardly ever have two sunny days in succession.  
Jimmy wanted to get his haircut in the afternoon, so I’ve been to Leven twice today.   It, Leven, didn’t look any different the second time.    For a change of scenery we came home via the Upper Largo to Largoward road, and took the wee back road down to Balchrystie.    This road has been completely resurfaced since the last time I cycled it, and is a pleasure to travel over.    The views are magnificent.

I have a feeling that I have a cold coming on;   a hot toddie before bed tonight, would
Looking west from the East Links.
be a good idea I’m thinkin’.   I have nothing ‘on’ tomorrow:   so, having stocked up with food for the foreseeable future, perhaps a touch of hibernation would be a good ‘plan’.

Transocean Prospect is in the southbound shipping lane in the English Channel, off Bournemouth.

Photographs : Top  and Middle – Costa Coffee in Leven High Street, and Bottom – Elie and Earlsferry from the East Links.

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