Nice calm morning ... but overcast...

18th September 2017 (Monday)   08.30    ..... Hmmmmm .... it is overcast, as was forecast, but... and this is good ... I can see the odd blue break in the
Interesting clouds over the Toft, Elie.
general greyness;  we could have sunny spells later.   Then again... we could have showers.    I’m feeling quite perky this morning;  yesterday I felt ‘one degree under’... as if I was coming down with a cold... probably caused by the east wind, we've had for the past few days.

Ocean going tugs, Atlantic Kestrel and AH Varazze, with oil platform Transocean Prospect in tow, have entered the English Channel shipping lane and are now making for the Straits of Dover;  I will lose them again, once they pass through the Straits of Dover,  and out of range of the land based masts.

South Street, Elie.
20.30    The oil platform Transocean Prospect, has passed through the Strait of Dover and should be nearly out of the English Channel by tomorrow morning.   They are now chugging along at 7 knots (just over 8 mph) .... fast compared with the  4.7 knots (5.5 mph)  when going through the Strait.

Today I remembered to measure how far it is from Fife Auto office door (Banbeath) to a table in Sainsbury’s Cafe;  1.61 kilometres, or just over 1 mile.    It is easy going downhill to Sainsbury’s .... coming back up to Fife Auto is hard work;   of the 1.60 kilometres, only 400 metres is level, the remainder being a very steep hill .... well, maybe not ‘very’ steep, but it feels like it is, by the time I’m back at the garage.    That reminds me .... I have a car for another year;  she needs something done
Sunset time.
underneath, and goes in to have that done on Thursday morning.    The mechanic told me what it was but when it comes to that sort of thing I’m clueless!    Anyway, I’m happy ... she is a nice car to drive.... and economical on fuel.    On the way down to Sainsbury’s I came across a ‘black’ moth... I think it’s an industrial area variant of a grey one;  melanistic I think is the word.

I didn’t go down to the beach this evening because it was dull with a touch of Scotch Mist in the air.    Tomorrow is forecast to be ‘excellent for drying a washing’ ... so ... I’ll do a wee washing!    In fact we have had a bonnie red sky at sunset ... definitely a wee washing tomorrow morning.

Photographs :  Top and Middle taken on the beach this morrrrrrning... Bottom – sunset time.

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