Purple evening .....

21st September 2017 (Thursday)  .... 08.00   Mmmmmmm.... we have one dreich morning;   raining and cheerless looking.     As has been the case quite often this ‘summer(?)’, late afternoon and evening time looks like being the best time
Golf Court, Elie.
of day.   It is not a morning for wandering about.    There have not been many days this year when we haven’t had rain.... but we are lucky compared with what is happening in the Caribbean!    Must ‘go’ .... “slight flap on”;   I have to deliver the car to the garage, then walk down to Sainsbury’s ... the rain is forecast to peter out in mid morning.

Transocean Prospect and ‘her tug pals’, are bumbling along, at 3 knots, in the English Channel, midway between Penzance (England) and Brest (France).  

 21.30    Once again we have had a gorgeous evening... after a day of,  more or less, nondescript kind of weather.   Having said that, I thought I’d get wet walking down from the garage to Leven High street this morning ... the rain was heavy when driving along but .... it turned to drizzle when I got to Leven, and the walk down was pleasant enough.     As I was going to get the car back later in the afternoon, I had a change of ‘plan’ (nothing  new there);  instead of going to Leven High Street I decided to take the bus back to Elie, and travel back to Leven again in the afternoon.   I was home, in Ivy, in time to give Jimmy his morning cuppa.

After a sandwich lunch, I poodled my way up to the bus stop, in Elie, to catch the X60
The beach at midday.
to Leven... except that I must have got it wrong .... the ‘95’ turned up.   The ‘95’ meanders a bit more than the X60... but I’m partial to a bit of meandering... so I was happy enough with the ‘95’.

I went in to Sainsbury’s on the way up to the garage... I needed to buy baking powder ... and when I was in there I thought I might as well go up to the Cafe and have a cuppa.   I passed a contented half hour chatting to Tom (Hunter), who was having a coffee.

The car was ready for me when I got to the garage, having been fitted with two new ‘wishbones’.    Every time I bring the car home from the garage, it is smoother
Sunset time .
running, even on Fife roads.   I must check the pressure in tyre’s more often .... apparently they, the tyres, need to be checked regularly .... not ‘now and again’.

I went down to the beach this evening.... it was peaceful and absolutely gorgeously bonnie ... more than made up for the early wetness.

Photographs : Top – the former Golf Hotel ... now converted to flats,  and renamed ‘ Golf Court’, Middle – the beach at midday, and Bottom – yes, there was a touch of ‘Royal Purple’ around the Centre of the Universe this evening!

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