Quiet morning ....

22nd August 2023 (Tuesday)     09.00 .... ‘Sunny intervals with a fresh

breeze’ is the weather forecast for KY9 today;  there is a ‘low chance of precipitation’  in the first half of the morning.... but who worries about a ‘low chance of precipitation (I enjoy typing the word ‘precipitation’).    I’m in a drawing mood so will spend most of the day in The Hutte;  but will take time out, after morning coffee for exercise.

20.00   ‘The Boy’ has enjoyed a fulfilling day;  that means I got a good bit of drawing done.... and managed to go to Chapel Green on the bike.   I said I’d take time out after morning coffee ....and I did;  about seven hours after morning coffee!   Once I got going with the pencils, and the pens, I couldn’t stop.  No that’s not true;  I stopped for lunch, and numerous cuppas and decided that, because I was enjoying myself, I’d go up to Chapel Green in the late afternoon/early evening.  And that is what I did.  In fact I’m going to do Chapel Green in the later evening time the next time; I’ll probably wait for the evenings to draw in a bit and do it then.  Anyway it was very pleasant up there this evening;   Margaret and Kenneth were out for an evening stroll; we chatted about this

and that... including the new “Chapel Green House”.   Like it or not we’re all going to have to get used to it ‘cos it’s going to be there for another 100 years or so at least.  The

stonework is out of this world... definitely an eye catching talking point;  of course we can’t get the full effect because of the high wall.   I assume the metal doors are being allowed to ‘weather’ before being ‘treated’’ with some modern metal protecting paint. 

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