Bright and breezy (weather too).....

7th August 2023 (Monday)     08.45.... I went up to Elie to get the paper (and

milk).....on the way into the shop I picked up a punnet o’ strawberries, got the milk oot o’ the shop fridge;   and forgot the paper!   That’s the first time I’ve actually been in the shop and came out without the paper;  its hard work bein’ ‘me’.   I’m going out on the bike after breakfast and (if in Elie) I’ll get the paper then.   
Normally I’d take the bike to go for the paper in the morning but I was low on milk and took the car.

19.00    I don’t know what was in the air, from mid morning .... but it didn’t agree with me so I never went out on the bike.  I had thought of going out in the evening, but it’s not ‘iggzactly’ bonnie, so that idea has been shelved too.  I ain’t complain’....there are folks with worse problems than me; tomorrow is another day and I’m always ready to go out and play.   And I have numerous projects that keep me busy.   Today?.... I have been busy doing a wee bit gardening, and a lot of drawing.  

I watched some Cycling Championships stuff (Glasgow) when having afternoon coffee.... BMX trick cycling.  I can’t say that I ‘enjoyed’ it (I wouldn’t pay money to watch it) but I suspect that’s just me showing my age!  

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