Lovely morning ....

15th January 2023 (Sunday)     08.00....A touch of frost has come in with the

rising sun, but that will go once the sun is up; it’s going to be a bonnie day, albeit a cool one:  There’s a light breeze so there’s a few degrees of wind chill. 

17.30   It has been a bonnie day... but chilly.   First thing after breakfast I went to Leven to do a shopping... then to Alice’s for morning tea and to drop off a couple of books.   The roads were quiet and I enjoyed driving... the main problem  being;  having to keep looking out for potholes.   On mentioning potholes:  Henry Cole, who has a regular motor bike programme  “The World’s Greatest Motorcycle Rides”  was having a look back at some of his journeys the other night and what made a particular country especially memorable.    New Zealand came out way on top for the quality of its roads.   One of the first things I noticed in New Zealand  was the high standard of road surface;  that and the crystal clear blue of their sky!   This got me thinking... how does a country, with a population less than Scotland, manage to keep their toads in such good condition?   I came to the conclusion that they don’t have any grandiose ideas of being a world dominating power;  and don’t  spend waste their money on nuclear Trident Missile Delivery submarines.    “The World’s Greatest Motorcycle Rides” is an interesting programme and well worth watching;  and Henry Cole a good presenter.

23.30     I’ve been watching a programme about ‘Who Owns Scotland’;  an interesting (and sometimes shocking)hour it was.... but it has made me late in getting to bed.    It must have been interesting right enough!

Frost is forecast for tonight .... followed by a bonnie, but slightly cold, day tomorrow.    I have ‘nae plan’ though I might do a washing if the frost lifts quickly.    I’d better get orf to bed;  I could be having a ‘sleep in’ tomorrow morning.

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