Breezy ....

15th November 2022 (Tuesday)    08.00 .... I had a quick trip to the beach to

catch the pre sunrise sky:  there’s a frisky wind so I didn’t stay for actual sunrise.   Anyway, ‘slight flap on this morrrrrrrrning’,  I have to go to Leven and I intend leaving about 08.40.   I got a load of photographs but only had time for a quick browse.

15.45     My word we have had a wet afternoon;  the journey home from Leven  was wet.... and in low cloud at Largoward.  (By the way...the car ‘Failed’ the MOT so will be going for a long ‘oliday at Kirkcaldy).   Apart from some deep surface water the journey was uneventful.   Normally it’s quite a scenic route but not this afternoon!

I’m glad that I went to the beach this morning;   I won’t be going out with the camera again today.   I went for a walk when the car was getting it’s MOT and took a few photos at the Banbeath Industrial Estate:  they aren’t the most exciting to look at but they are a record of my visits to Fife Auto.

I visited Alice after leaving the garage, where I enjoyed a cuppa with an Apple and Cinnamon scone....and had a good old natter.   With the weather being what it was, we didn’t go anywhere.... choosing instead to chat about the ‘olden days’, and Alice’s activities with ‘Special Needs’ folk.   She is a busy ‘girl’.

21.30    It has been a long, and eventful, day but at last the rain has stopped, and tomorrow’s weather forecast is... 30 second delay ........ ‘light cloud with a moderate breeze’ and only a low chance of precipitation.   I might go out on the bike.... when the ‘sunny spells’ come along, if it isn’t too cold;  there’s going to be a cool breeze off the sea.   At the moment I don’t have a ‘plan’ for tomorrow.   Right now I’m thinkin’ it’s chocolate time.... and I need to find a book to read in bed.

I mentioned earlier that I’d take a few photos of Banbeath Industrial Estate;  not the

most interesting of subjects but it exists, and I have used one of its services,  so has to be recorded.  It’s unlikely that I’ll ever go back there:  certainly not for the scenery.

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