Bonnie morning ....

30th November 2022 (Wednesday)   “ St Andrews Day”.

10.00    I suspect that St Andrews Day might be a ‘play day:  we had a balmy sunrise, the

girls were in swimming.... even the birds were enjoying the peace and quiet.   There was a light touch of frost, but that has gone now that the sun is up.... yep... it’s a  ‘play day’.   ‘Light cloud and a gentle breeze’ is the weather forecast:  I might go out on the bike after lunch. 

18.30   I have been a ‘busy boy’ today;  a mix of stuff needin’ to be done and play.    After breakfast I decided to go to ‘The Store’ (Ainster);  I fancied a walk round the shop.   It’s getting to the stage where you’re feart tae stop the trolley;  however I got the items on my list (yes a list is vital), plus two not on the list.... not goodies.   I came home by the ‘back road’... that way you miss the anti tank er vehicle hazards across the road, at the new housing, on the way into St Monans.

New wall at 'Four Winds'.

Back at Ivy I had everything stashed away.... and the kettle ‘on’ by 11.15.   The ‘plan’ was... to have a quick cuppa then go for a short run out on the bike before lunch:  it had to be short ‘cos the bike battery was low, so I went up Ferry Toad the along the Grangehill Road and down to the 17th tee area.    From there I went to Chapel Green, stopping at various points to get a few photos.   This was at the middle of the day;  there was nae wind so it was warm and very enjoyable.   And I had  a decent rest in the afternoon.

20.30    This has been one of the best and most enjoyable days I’ve had in a while.   My breathing was a bit iffy in the morning; but with the weather being warm in the afternoon, and me going out on the bike I felt normal again.   I really feel that I am shaking off the COVID.... but a lot depends on the weather.   And the weather at this time of year can be tricky.   However I ain’t complainin’....I have loads I can do even when the weather is bad.   I'm 
my  own worst enemy.... when I’m feeling good I tend to overdo things;  that said, I didn’t do too much today.   Ye Gods;  don’t tell me I’ve finally cottoned on to the importance of resting! 

21.30    This has been one of the best and most enjoyable days I’ve had in a while.   My breathing was a bit iffy in the morning; but with the weather being warm in the afternoon, and me going out on the bike I felt normal again.   I really feel that I am shaking off the COVID.... but a lot depends on the weather.   And the weather at this time

of year can be tricky.   However I ain’t complainin’....I have loads I can do even when the weather is bad.   I’m my own worst enemy .... when I’m feeling good I tend to overdo things;  that said, I didn’t do too much today.   Ye Gods;  don’t tell me I’ve finally cottoned on to the importance of resting!

We had a bonnie sky at sunset time;  not particularly colourful, but a nice layer of, cotton wool ball type, stratocumulus clouds.   

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