'Dreich' .....

6th December 2021 (Monday)   10.30 .... the place not to be at 08.50 is the

roads leading to the roundabout at the top of Roger Street (Anstruther).... they are busy.    But it is the time to go to the Post Office (opens 09.00) ‘cos’ you can get moored up on Shore Road, near the PO.   I was there at that time to post the overseas cards; and I had a quick trip to ‘The Store’.

The sky is starting to break up so the ‘plan’ is to have a walk before lunch.... if it isn’t raining.   It has been a ‘dreich’ morning so far. 

16.30    It’s been a fairly wild day.   The rain stopped in the middle of the morning, and the wind freshened, so I didn’t go out on the bike.   I went down to the harbour, in the car, later in the afternoon;  I was taking a break from writing cards;  and I still haven’t been to the bottle bank.

19.00    I’ve had a ‘nae bad’ day;  kinda disappointed that it was too cold and windy for the bike.   It’s going to be cold, with a F8 – 9 gale from the Southeast tomorrow so I should get most of the cards written.... then posted them on Wednesday.

Otaki (New Zealand) has had a whole week’s worth of rain over the past 24 hours;  mind you that probably isn’t very much, by Scottish standards, ‘cos they don’t get much rain in the summertime.

There was an angry sky towards Edinburgh when I was at the harbour this afternoon;  the latest Atlantic storm introducing itself.    This one is called ‘Storm Barra’ and should reach us in the afternoon, bringing wind and heavy rain.    It will be a case of ‘battening the hatches’, and staying warm.

I wasn’t looking forward to going to the Post Office this morning, but it was quiet when I was there (it was bucketing rain at the time) so I worried needlessly.   I tend to be a ‘Seneca’ thinker’.

Last night I started reading ‘Lord of the Rings’ again (this will be the third, perhaps

fourth time).... that should keep me going until Christmas.    Hmmm .... thinking of Christmas:  I see that the new variant is spreading ‘like the clappers’ and is likely to be rife, all around the country, by Christmas.    I’ve had  all the jabs, but I think I will get a lateral flow test kit before I travel.   I’ll also buy Turkey roll in case I have to have Christmas in Ivy;  which I don’t mind ‘cos I’ll be on Skype to everybody.   I didn’t feel left out of Christmas last year.   

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