Crescent moon .....
2nd December 2021 (Thursday) 08.00 .... Its a bonnie crisp morning....
-1C on the thermometer, and there’s a scattering of snowflakes on top of Blob’s breakfast table (the broon bucket). I won’t be going out until the sun is high in the sky, and the temperature at 3C; and then it will be in the car with the heater full on. Must go; ‘slight flap on’.... I need a cuppa.
15.30 I haven’t been anywhere today; but I have been busy, doing ‘ousework, and sorting out Christmas cards. I did have a short walk to the High Street to
catch Jean, but she came to Ivy Door.
Jean is a ‘Dyker’ (the auld meaning of the word.....i.e.... someone who
lives in Cellardyke) and I worked with her Dad on some building sites a few
years ago.
Although it has been a bonnie day today, it was too cold for me to go out on the bike; hence the ‘ousework. I did take a couple of photos of the crescent moon, first thing this morning; thoughts of the beach did enter my head, but I knew the kettle was coming to the boil, so all thoughts of the beach vanished. It was frosty at that time.
19.00 I’ve had a really restful day and feel much
better for it. It’s going to be cold again
tomorrow so no biking; in fact I might
charge up the bike battery and forget
about biking until the Spring.... unless a nice warm spell of weather comes our
way. I’ll go for a run in the car tomorrow; I don’t know where to but it will be where I
can have a sheltered walk. Balcarres Den or Gillingshill comes to mind. Both have walks that are sheltered by trees...
assuming the trees are still standing. Stay
clear of the cold wind seems to be the best thing during this cold spell.
It’s ‘browse the tele’ time; I’ll write Christmas cards during the adverts.
21.30 Jings Iain and Jackie (Auchnagatt) have
gone from one extreme to the other.
Four days without electricity, then, when the power does come back on,
they have thunder, lightning and a snow storm with it: It made a good video.