Bonnie morrrrrrrrrning ....

23rd March 2020 (Monday)     08.30 ....Jings ... I’d forgotten it was my
Elie Bay.
birthday today.... oh...and I have a parcel (that arrived on Saturday) to open:  now I am in a state of excitement.  I need cake!
We have a lovely morrrrning here .... and it’s not cold.   The wind has veered to the Southwest .... nothing good ever comes out of a wind with East in it.    It was quiet on the beach .... only one dog walker and me.... oh and I met a jogger on the way home via Earlsferry High Street.   Must go ...’slight flap on’ now got a birthday to ‘celebrate’.    I'll make another cuppa!

09.30 ....Cake? .... who needs cake when they have a box of Cadbury’s Dairy Milk Chocolates?   I am having a cuppa and two chocolates before starting to ... ‘work’.   Love you all.    The chocolates were in the parcel... along with cards etc.... and an heraldic drawing (by ‘JB’) that I will photograph tomorrow to let you see.

.... a welcome sign of Spring.
17.00    It has been a strange day... we are living through strange times;  and things will never really be the same again at the end of this.  It looks like the real clampdown will be starting soon;  backed by ‘law’ if needed.   There is an ominous ‘feel’ around the country... in fact the World .... but we will come through it all by helping each other in any way we can.   Heed the warnings .... be positive.... and stay safe.   It’s going to be hard.... but the longer days and sunnier weather will soon be with us;  as long as we can get milk for our breakfast cereal  (in my case Weetabix) we’ll be fine.

 I have had a busy day... and actually enjoyed my birthday, though most of it has been spent ‘working’.   I finished one of the wee jobs today;  tomorrow I will start on a bigger one.... the greenhouse.   I realise that I can't take stuff to 'the dump' (the re-cycling Depot) but I can fill the variously coloured buckets and they will be uplifted.      When I finished 'working' for the day and ambled down from 'The Hutte, I found a bag
Morning dog walk.
with a card and goodies dangling on the front door handle:  Myra had been round.xx    I am a lucky 'boy'.  

19.30    This new routine is going to take a lot of getting into and used too;   actually getting out of what has been our normal routine up until now, is going to be the harder thing to do.    When will be get back to Harbour House for our morning coffee?   At least by the time this is over Ivy garden should be back to where it was when ‘The Boss’ was in charge of gardening!

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