Bonnie morning but cold ....

21st March 2020 (Saturday)    08.00 .... there’s a cold southeast wind
Elie Bay.
spoiling what could be a really bonnie morning:  that said all we need to do is wrap, up well.    I’ve been for my morning walk... and I didn’t have the beach to myself:   I saw a couple of people along by the Breakwater., but no jogger tracks this morning.     I very much doubt if I’ll get out on the bike today;   unless the air warms up and the wind drops a bit.

14.00     The other evening my doorbell rang and when I opened it there was Ann, my neighbour with a “Murray’s” fish supper.... it was fantastic.   Thank you Ann and Bob.    Jimmy and I used to go to ‘Murray’s Chippie” but I haven’t been since Jimmy died.... and I’d forgotten just how good his fish suppers were.   I will get back into the habit once this self isolating is over.

06.15 this morning.
I’ve had a couple of walks today because the bike isn’t coming out .... the second being up to Myra’s for morning coffee but we ended up going to ‘arbour ‘ouse to get a takeaway coffee .... (on what is Laura’s last day ‘Open’ until this emergency is over) n.... and taking the ‘takeaway’ to Geoff’s where we enjoyed our coffee and had a good chat.    Laura gave the three of us a bottle of hand sanitizer.... something that is nigh on as valuable as gold nowadays.   Since then I have hung out a washing and contemplated doing some ‘work’:  but it is bitterly cold out so work has been put on ‘hold’ for today;  as has going out on the bike.   No real ‘plan’ for the remainder of the afternoon;  I’ll make a cuppa and see what I come up with.

19.00     I found a cosy job to do;   the ironing... and watching Midsomer Murders on
Peaceful (but cold) beach.
the tele.    Jings I’ve been can multi tasking!    No wonder I’m tired.    There’s ‘nae plan’ for tomorrow.... the weather is going to be  “sunny with a moderate breeze from the SSE” so cool in the wind, but sunnier than today.   I’ll get up and out early then moor myself in Ivy;  hopefully to do some jobs... either inside or outside depending on how cauld it is.
I have organised an ‘account’ with Tesco so can do online shopping if required.    Maggie used Tesco Online so I should be able to get the hang of it eventually.   I will buy a Sunday paper tomorrow (‘The Observer’)....  the Sunday paper comes with a good tele guide and plenty stuff to browse through for few days.

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